Source code for nowcast.workers.make_surface_current_tiles

#  Copyright 2013 – present by the SalishSeaCast Project contributors
#  and The University of British Columbia
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
"""SalishSeaCast worker that produces tiles of surface current visualization
images for the website from run results.

IOS provided the tile specifications and initial code implementation.
import datetime
import logging
import math
import multiprocessing
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from queue import Empty

import arrow
import netCDF4
import pytz
from pypdf import PdfWriter
from matplotlib.backend_bases import FigureCanvasBase
from nemo_nowcast import NowcastWorker

from nowcast import lib
from nowcast.figures.publish import surface_current_tiles
from nowcast.figures.surface_current_domain import tile_coords_dic

NAME = "make_surface_current_tiles"
logger = logging.getLogger(NAME)

[docs] def main(): """For command-line usage see: :command:`python -m nowcast.workers.make_surface_current_tiles --help` """ worker = NowcastWorker(NAME, description=__doc__) worker.init_cli() worker.cli.add_argument( "run_type", choices={"nowcast-green", "forecast", "forecast2"}, help=""" Type of run to produce plots for: 'forecast' means forecast physics-only runs, 'forecast2' means forecast2 preliminary forecast physics-only runs, 'nowcast-green' means nowcast-green run-of-record runs (primarily used to generate tiles for a past date from archival run results) """, ) worker.cli.add_date_option( "--run-date","day"), help="Date of the run to symlink files for.", ) worker.cli.add_argument( "--nprocs", type=int, default=math.floor(multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2), help=( "Maximum number of concurrent figure creation processes allowed. " "Defaults to 1/2 the number of cores detected." ), ), success, failure) return worker
def success(parsed_args): """ :param :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` parsed_args: :return: Nowcast system message type :rtype: str """ f"surface current tile figures for {parsed_args.run_date.format('YYYY-MM-DD')} " f"{parsed_args.run_type} completed" ) msg_type = f"success {parsed_args.run_type}" return msg_type def failure(parsed_args): """ :param :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` parsed_args: :return: Nowcast system message type :rtype: str """ logger.critical( f"surface current tile figures production for {parsed_args.run_date.format('YYYY-MM-DD')} " f"{parsed_args.run_type} failed" ) msg_type = f"failure {parsed_args.run_type}" return msg_type def make_surface_current_tiles(parsed_args, config, *args): """ :param :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` parsed_args: :param :py:class:`nemo_nowcast.Config` config: :return: Nowcast system checklist items :rtype: dict """ run_type = parsed_args.run_type run_date = parsed_args.run_date num_procs = parsed_args.nprocs dmy = run_date.format("DDMMMYY").lower() dmym1 = run_date.shift(days=-1).format("DDMMMYY").lower() ## TODO: Change to get results from ERDDAP rolling forecast for run_type == forecast* results_dir0 = ( Path( config["results archive"]["nowcast-green"], run_date.shift(days=+2).format("DDMMMYY").lower(), ) if run_type == "nowcast-green" else Path(config["results archive"][run_type], dmy) ) if run_type == "nowcast-green": results_dirm1 = Path( config["results archive"]["nowcast-green"], run_date.shift(days=+1).format("DDMMMYY").lower(), ) results_dirm2 = Path( config["results archive"]["nowcast-green"], run_date.format("DDMMMYY").lower(), ) if run_type == "forecast": results_dirm1 = Path(config["results archive"]["nowcast"], dmy) results_dirm2 = Path(config["results archive"]["nowcast"], dmym1) if run_type == "forecast2": results_dirm1 = Path(config["results archive"]["forecast"], dmy) results_dirm2 = Path(config["results archive"]["nowcast"], dmy) grid_dir = Path(config["figures"]["grid dir"]) coordf = grid_dir / config["run types"][run_type]["coordinates"] mesh_maskf = grid_dir / config["run types"][run_type]["mesh mask"] bathyf = grid_dir / config["run types"][run_type]["bathymetry"] storage_path = Path( config["figures"]["surface current tiles"]["storage path"], run_type, dmy ) lib.mkdir(storage_path, logger, grp_name=config["file group"]) # Loop over last 48h and this forecast{,2} f"starting rendering of tiles for {run_date.format('YYYY-MM-DD')} {run_type} " f"in {num_procs} processes into {storage_path}" ) for results_dir in [results_dirm2, results_dirm1, results_dir0]: u_list = glob(os.fspath(results_dir) + "/SalishSea_1h_*") v_list = glob(os.fspath(results_dir) + "/SalishSea_1h_*") Uf = Path(u_list[0]) Vf = Path(v_list[0]) with netCDF4.Dataset(Uf) as dsU: max_time_index = dsU.dimensions["time_counter"].size units = dsU.variables["time_counter"].units calendar = dsU.variables["time_counter"].calendar sec = dsU.variables["time_counter"][:] expansion_factor = 0.1 # 10% overlap for each tile logger.debug(f"creating figures using {num_procs} concurrent process(es)") # Add tasks to a joinable queue q = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue() for t_index in range(max_time_index): task = ( t_index, sec, units, calendar, run_date, Uf, Vf, coordf, mesh_maskf, bathyf, tile_coords_dic, expansion_factor, storage_path, ) q.put(task) # Spawn a set of worker processes procs = [] for i in range(num_procs): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=_process_time_slice, args=(q,)) procs.append(p) # Start each one for p in procs: p.start() # Wait until they complete for p in procs: p.join() # Close the queue q.close() _pdf_concatenate(storage_path, tile_coords_dic) checklist = { run_type: { "run date": run_date.format("YYYY-MM-DD"), "png": sorted( [os.fspath(f) for f in storage_path.iterdir() if f.suffix == ".png"] ), "pdf": sorted( [os.fspath(f) for f in storage_path.iterdir() if f.suffix == ".pdf"] ), } } f"finished rendering of tiles for {run_date.format('YYYY-MM-DD')} {run_type} " f"into {storage_path}" ) return checklist def _process_time_slice(q): """ This is the worker function that gets called for each task in the multiprocessing queue. """ while True: try: task = q.get_nowait() _callMakeFigure(*task) q.task_done() except Empty: break def _callMakeFigure( t_index, sec, units, calendar, run_date, Uf, Vf, coordf, mesh_maskf, bathyf, tile_coords_dic, expansion_factor, storage_path, ): """ Calls the make_figure() function in the surface_currents_tiles module for time index t_index. make_figure() function is called once to produce figures with website theme and called again to produce figures in pdf format. """ date_stamp = _getTimeFileName(sec[t_index], units, calendar) # make website theme version fig_list, tile_names = surface_current_tiles.make_figure( run_date, t_index, Uf, Vf, coordf, mesh_maskf, bathyf, tile_coords_dic, expansion_factor, ) _render_figures(fig_list, tile_names, storage_path, date_stamp, "png") del fig_list # make pdf version fig_list, tile_names = surface_current_tiles.make_figure( run_date, t_index, Uf, Vf, coordf, mesh_maskf, bathyf, tile_coords_dic, expansion_factor, theme=None, ) _render_figures(fig_list, tile_names, storage_path, date_stamp, "pdf") del fig_list def _getTimeFileName(sec, units, calendar): """ Constructs UTC timestamp for the figure file name. """ dt = netCDF4.num2date( sec, units, calendar=calendar, only_use_cftime_datetimes=False ) dt_utc = datetime.datetime.combine(, dt.time(), pytz.utc ) # add timezone to utc time fmt = "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S" time_utc = dt_utc.strftime(fmt) return time_utc def _render_figures(fig_list, tile_names, storage_path, date_stamp, file_type): for fig, name in zip(fig_list, tile_names): ftile = "surface_currents_tile{:02d}_{}_UTC.{}".format( int(name[4:]), date_stamp, file_type ) outfile = Path(storage_path, ftile) FigureCanvasBase(fig).print_figure( os.fspath(outfile), facecolor=fig.get_facecolor() ) logger.debug(f"{outfile} saved") if file_type == "png": _apply_pngquant(outfile, 16) def _apply_pngquant(outfile, level): """ Run lossy compression (pngquant) on png frames to reduce their size. The argument "level" specifies the number of colours to include in the palette. For surface current tiles, 16 is a good choice, and this reduces frame size by about a factor of 5. """ logger.debug(f"starting pngquant compression ({level} bits) for {}") tmpfilename = outfile.with_suffix(".pngquant") cmd = f"pngquant --ext .pngquant {level} {outfile}" logger.debug(f"running subprocess: {cmd}") try: proc = shlex.split(cmd), check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.warning("pngquant compression failed, proceeding with original frame") logger.debug(f"pngquant return code: {e.returncode}") if e.output: logger.debug(e.output) return if proc.stdout: logger.debug(proc.stdout) tmpfilename.rename(outfile) logger.debug(f"{} palette compression succeeded") def _pdf_concatenate(path, tile_coords_dic): """ For each tile combine the time series of pdf files into one file. Delete the individual pdf files, leaving only the per-tile files. Shrink the merged pdf files. """"starting PDF concatenation and shrinking of tiles in {path}") for tile in tile_coords_dic: result = (path / tile).with_suffix(".pdf") logger.debug(f"concatenating {tile} pdf files into: {result}") merger = PdfWriter() for pdf in sorted(path.glob(f"surface_currents_{tile}*.pdf")): merger.append(pdf) logger.debug(f"added {pdf}") pdf.unlink() logger.debug(f"deleted {pdf}") merger.write(result) logger.debug(f"saved {result}") merger.close() _pdf_shrink(result)"finished PDF concatenation and shrinking of tiles in {path}") def _pdf_shrink(filename): """ Strategy borrowed from to shrink pdf file """ logger.debug(f"starting PDF shrinking of: {filename}") tmpfilename = filename.with_suffix(".temp") pdftocairo = Path(os.environ["NOWCAST_ENV"], "bin", "pdftocairo") cmd = f"{pdftocairo} -pdf {filename} {tmpfilename}" logger.debug(f"running subprocess: {cmd}") try: proc = shlex.split(cmd), check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, ) if proc.stdout: logger.debug(proc.stdout) tmpfilename.rename(filename) logger.debug(f"shrank {filename}") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.warning("PDF shrinking failed, proceeding with unshrunk PDF") logger.debug(f"pdftocairo return code: {e.returncode}") if e.output: logger.debug(e.output) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pragma: no cover