Source code for nowcast.figures.publish.storm_surge_alerts

#  Copyright 2013 – present by the SalishSeaCast Project contributors
#  and The University of British Columbia
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Produce a figure that shows a map of the Salish Sea with markers indicating
the risks of high water levels at the Point Atkinson, Victoria, Campbell River,
Nanaimo, and Cherry Point tide gauge locations.
The figure also shows wind vectors that indicate the average wind speed and
direction averaged over the 4 hours preceding the maximum sea surface height
at each location.
Text below the map provides quantitative information about the maximum water
level, when it occurs, and the 4 hr averaged wind speed, as well as
acknowledgement of data sources.

Testing notebook for this module is
from collections import namedtuple

import arrow
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
from matplotlib import gridspec
from salishsea_tools import places, nc_tools, stormtools, unit_conversions, wind_tools

import nowcast.figures.website_theme
from nowcast.figures import shared

[docs] def make_figure( grids_15m, weather_path, coastline, tidal_predictions, figsize=(18, 20), theme=nowcast.figures.website_theme, ): """Plot high water level risk indication markers and 4h average wind vectors on a Salish Sea map with summary text below. :arg dict grids_15m: Collection of 15 minute averaged sea surface height datasets at tide gauge locations, keyed by tide gauge station name. :arg str weather_path: The directory where the weather forcing files are stored. :arg coastline: Coastline dataset. :type coastline: :class:`mat.Dataset` :arg str tidal_predictions: Path to directory of tidal prediction file. :arg 2-tuple figsize: Figure size (width, height) in inches. :arg theme: Module-like object that defines the style elements for the figure. See :py:mod:`nowcast.figures.website_theme` for an example. :returns: :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` """ plot_data = _prep_plot_data(grids_15m, tidal_predictions, weather_path) fig, (ax_map, ax_pa_info, ax_cr_info, ax_vic_info) = _prep_fig_axes(figsize, theme) _plot_alerts_map(ax_map, coastline, plot_data, theme) info_boxes = (ax_pa_info, ax_cr_info, ax_vic_info) info_places = ("Point Atkinson", "Campbell River", "Victoria") for ax, place in zip(info_boxes, info_places): _plot_info_box(ax, place, plot_data, theme) _plot_attribution_text(ax_map, theme) return fig
def _prep_plot_data(grids_15m, tidal_predictions, weather_path): max_ssh, max_ssh_time, risk_levels = {}, {}, {} u_wind_4h_avg, v_wind_4h_avg, max_wind_avg = {}, {}, {} for name in places.TIDE_GAUGE_SITES + places.SUPP_TIDE_SITES: ssh_ts = nc_tools.ssh_timeseries_at_point(grids_15m[name], 0, 0, datetimes=True) ttide = shared.get_tides(name, tidal_predictions) max_ssh[name], max_ssh_time[name] = shared.find_ssh_max(name, ssh_ts, ttide) risk_levels[name] = stormtools.storm_surge_risk_level( name, max_ssh[name], ttide ) wind_avg = wind_tools.calc_wind_avg_at_point( arrow.get(max_ssh_time[name]), weather_path, places.PLACES[name]["wind grid ji"], avg_hrs=-4, ) u_wind_4h_avg[name], v_wind_4h_avg[name] = wind_avg max_wind_avg[name], _ = wind_tools.wind_speed_dir( u_wind_4h_avg[name], v_wind_4h_avg[name] ) plot_data = namedtuple( "PlotData", "ssh_ts, max_ssh, max_ssh_time, risk_levels, " "u_wind_4h_avg, v_wind_4h_avg, max_wind_avg", ) return plot_data( ssh_ts, max_ssh, max_ssh_time, risk_levels, u_wind_4h_avg, v_wind_4h_avg, max_wind_avg, ) def _prep_fig_axes(figsize, theme): fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, facecolor=theme.COLOURS["figure"]["facecolor"]) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 3, width_ratios=[1, 1, 1], height_ratios=[6, 1]) gs.update(hspace=-0.05, wspace=0.05) ax_map = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :]) ax_pa_info = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) ax_pa_info.set_facecolor(theme.COLOURS["figure"]["facecolor"]) ax_cr_info = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1]) ax_cr_info.set_facecolor(theme.COLOURS["figure"]["facecolor"]) ax_vic_info = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2]) ax_vic_info.set_facecolor(theme.COLOURS["figure"]["facecolor"]) return fig, (ax_map, ax_pa_info, ax_cr_info, ax_vic_info) def _plot_alerts_map(ax, coastline, plot_data, theme): shared.plot_map(ax, coastline) for name in places.TIDE_GAUGE_SITES: alpha = 0 if numpy.isnan(plot_data.max_ssh[name]) else 0.3 shared.plot_risk_level_marker( ax, name, plot_data.risk_levels[name], "o", 50, alpha, theme ) shared.plot_wind_arrow( ax, *places.PLACES[name]["lon lat"], plot_data.u_wind_4h_avg[name], plot_data.v_wind_4h_avg[name], theme, ) for name in places.SUPP_TIDE_SITES: alpha = 0 if numpy.isnan(plot_data.max_ssh[name]) else 0.3 shared.plot_risk_level_marker( ax, name, plot_data.risk_levels[name], "o", 50, alpha, theme ) # Format the axes and make it pretty _alerts_map_axis_labels(ax, plot_data.ssh_ts.time[0], theme) _alerts_map_marker_legend(ax, theme) _alerts_map_wind_legend(ax, theme) _alerts_map_geo_labels(ax, theme) def _alerts_map_axis_labels(ax, date_time, theme): ax.set_title( f"Marine and Atmospheric Conditions\n {date_time:%A, %B %d, %Y}", fontproperties=theme.FONTS["axes title"], color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["axes title"], ) ax.set_xlabel( "Longitude [°E]", fontproperties=theme.FONTS["axis"], color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["axis"], ) ax.set_ylabel( "Latitude [°N]", fontproperties=theme.FONTS["axis"], color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["axis"], ) ax.text( 0.4, -0.3, "Wind vectors averaged over four hours prior to maximum water level", horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", transform=ax.transAxes, fontproperties=theme.FONTS["figure annotation"], color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["figure annotation"], ) ax.grid(axis="both") theme.set_axis_colors(ax) def _alerts_map_marker_legend(ax, theme): # This is a bit of a hack. Plot markers at coordinates way outside the # axes limits to provide content for the legend. risk_levels = ( # (Risk level key in theme.COLOURS, legend label) (None, "No flooding\nrisk"), ("moderate risk", "Risk of\nhigh water"), ("extreme risk", "Extreme risk\nof flooding"), ) for level, label in risk_levels: ax.plot( 0, 0, marker="o", linestyle="", markersize=25, alpha=0.5, color=theme.COLOURS["storm surge risk levels"][level], label=label, ) legend = ax.legend( numpoints=1, loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(0.9, 1.05), prop=theme.FONTS["legend label"], ) legend.set_title(" Possible\nWarnings", prop=theme.FONTS["legend title"]) def _alerts_map_wind_legend(ax, theme): shared.plot_wind_arrow(ax, -122.5, 50.65, 0, -5, theme) ax.text( -122.58, 50.5, "Reference: 5 m/s", rotation=90, fontproperties=theme.FONTS["axes annotation"], color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["axes annotation"], ) shared.plot_wind_arrow(ax, -122.75, 50.65, 0, unit_conversions.knots_mps(-5), theme) ax.text( -122.83, 50.5, "Reference: 5 knots", rotation=90, fontproperties=theme.FONTS["axes annotation"], color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["axes annotation"], ) ax.text( -122.85, 49.9, "Winds are 4 hour\n" "average before\n" "maximum water level", verticalalignment="top", bbox=theme.COLOURS["axes textbox"], fontproperties=theme.FONTS["axes annotation"], color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["axes annotation"], ) def _alerts_map_geo_labels(ax, theme): geo_labels = ( # PLACES key, offset x, y, rotation, text size ("Pacific Ocean", 0, 0, 0, "left", "small"), ("Neah Bay", -0.04, -0.08, 0, "right", "large"), ("Port Renfrew", -0.04, 0.04, 0, "right", "large"), ("Juan de Fuca Strait", 0, 0, -18, "left", "small"), ("Puget Sound", 0, 0, -30, "left", "small"), ("Strait of Georgia", 0, 0, -20, "left", "small"), ("Patricia Bay", -0.04, 0, 0, "right", "large"), ("Victoria", -0.05, 0.03, 0, "right", "large"), ("Sand Heads", 0.04, 0.01, 0, "left", "large"), ("Boundary Bay", 0.04, 0, 0, "left", "large"), ("Cherry Point", 0.04, 0, 0, "left", "large"), ("Friday Harbor", 0.08, -0.19, 0, "center", "large"), ("Point Atkinson", 0.06, 0.06, 0, "left", "large"), ("Nanaimo", -0.04, 0, 0, "right", "large"), ("Squamish", -0.04, 0.03, 0, "right", "large"), ("Halfmoon Bay", 0.0, -0.13, 0, "center", "large"), ("Campbell River", -0.04, -0.04, 0, "right", "large"), ("British Columbia", 0, 0, 0, "left", "small"), ("Washington State", 0, 0, 0, "left", "small"), ) for place, dx, dy, rotation, justify, label_size in geo_labels: lon, lat = places.PLACES[place]["lon lat"] ax.text( lon + dx, lat + dy, place, rotation=rotation, horizontalalignment=justify, fontproperties=theme.FONTS[f"location label {label_size}"], ) def _plot_info_box(ax, place, plot_data, theme): ax.text( 0.05, 0.9, place, horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", fontproperties=theme.FONTS["info box title"], color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["info box title"], ) ax.text( 0.05, 0.7, f"Maximum Water Level: {plot_data.max_ssh[place]:.1f} m", horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", fontproperties=theme.FONTS["info box content"], color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["info box content"], ) ax.text( 0.05, 0.5, f"Wind Speed: " f"{unit_conversions.mps_kph(plot_data.max_wind_avg[place]):.0f} km/hr", horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", fontproperties=theme.FONTS["info box content"], color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["info box content"], ) display_time = arrow.get(plot_data.max_ssh_time[place]).to("local") ax.text( 0.05, 0.3, f'Time: {display_time.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")} ' f"{display_time.tzinfo.tzname(display_time.datetime)}", horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", fontproperties=theme.FONTS["info box content"], color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["info box content"], ) _info_box_hide_frame(ax, theme) def _info_box_hide_frame(ax, theme): ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) for spine in ax.spines: ax.spines[spine].set_visible(False) def _plot_attribution_text(ax, theme): ax.text( 0.4, -0.34, "Modelled winds are from the High Resolution Deterministic Prediction " "System\n" "of Environment Canada: " "", horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", transform=ax.transAxes, fontproperties=theme.FONTS["figure annotation"], color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["figure annotation"], ) ax.text( 0.4, -0.4, "Pacific North-West coastline was created from BC Freshwater Atlas " "Coastline\n" "and WA Marine Shorelines files and compiled by Rich Pawlowicz.", horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", transform=ax.transAxes, fontproperties=theme.FONTS["figure annotation"], color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["figure annotation"], )