Source code for nowcast.figures.research.time_series_plots

#  Copyright 2013 – present by the SalishSeaCast Project contributors
#  and The University of British Columbia
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
"""Produce 4 figures that show the time series of surface:

  - nitrate and diatom concentrations
  - mesozooplankton and microzooplankton concentrations
  - mesodinium rubrum and flagellates concentrations
  - temperature and salinity

over the last 2 months at a time series site.

Testing notebook for this module is

Development notebook for this module is

from types import SimpleNamespace

import arrow as arw
import matplotlib.dates
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from salishsea_tools import places

import nowcast.figures.website_theme

[docs] def make_figure( xr_dataset, left_variable, right_variable, place, figsize=(20, 8), theme=nowcast.figures.website_theme, ): """ :param xr_dataset: Hourly average 3d biological fields and tracer fields from the gridapp datasets of the data server ERDAPP ( :type xr_dataset: :class:`xarray.core.dataset.Dataset` :param left_variable: One of the data variables among 'nitrate', 'mesozooplankton', 'microzooplankton', 'temperature'. :type left_variable: :class:`xarray.Variable` :param right_variable: One of the data variables among 'diatoms', 'microzooplankton', 'flagellates', 'salinity'. :type right_variable: :class:`xarray.Variable` :param str place: time series site. :param 2-tuple figsize: Figure size (width, height) in inches. :param theme: Module-like object that defines the style elements for the figure. See :py:mod:`nowcast.figures.website_theme` for an example. :returns: :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` """ plot_data = _prep_plot_data(xr_dataset, left_variable, right_variable, place) fig, axl, axr = _prep_fig_axes(figsize, theme) _plot_timeseries(axl, plot_data.left_var, left_variable, theme) _plot_timeseries(axr, plot_data.right_var, right_variable, theme) _timeseries_axes_labels(axl, axr, left_variable, right_variable, plot_data, theme) return fig
def _prep_plot_data(xr_dataset, left_variable, right_variable, place): end_day = arw.get(xr_dataset.time_coverage_end) start_day = end_day.shift(days=-49) time_slice = slice(, end_day.shift(days=+1).date()) grid_y, grid_x = places.PLACES[place]["NEMO grid ji"] left_var = ( xr_dataset[left_variable] .sel(time=time_slice) .isel(depth=0, gridX=grid_x, gridY=grid_y) ) right_var = ( xr_dataset[right_variable] .sel(time=time_slice) .isel(depth=0, gridX=grid_x, gridY=grid_y) ) return SimpleNamespace( left_var=left_var, right_var=right_var, left_long_name=xr_dataset[left_variable].long_name, left_units=xr_dataset[left_variable].units, right_long_name=xr_dataset[right_variable].long_name, right_units=xr_dataset[right_variable].units, ) def _prep_fig_axes(figsize, theme): fig, axl = plt.subplots( figsize=figsize, facecolor=theme.COLOURS["figure"]["facecolor"] ) axl.set_facecolor(theme.COLOURS["axes"]["background"]) axr = axl.twinx() axr.set_facecolor(theme.COLOURS["axes"]["background"]) return fig, axl, axr def _plot_timeseries(ax, plot_data, variable, theme): ax.plot(plot_data.time, plot_data, color=theme.COLOURS["time series"][variable]) return def _timeseries_axes_labels(axl, axr, left_variable, right_variable, plot_data, theme): axl.set_xlabel( "Date", color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["axis"], fontproperties=theme.FONTS["axis"] ) axl.set_xlim(plot_data.left_var.time.values[0], plot_data.left_var.time.values[-1]) axl.xaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter("%d %b %Y")) axl.set_ylabel( f"{plot_data.left_long_name} [{plot_data.left_units}]", fontproperties=theme.FONTS["axis"], ) theme.set_axis_colors(axl) axr.set_ylabel( f"{plot_data.right_long_name} [{plot_data.right_units}]", fontproperties=theme.FONTS["axis"], ) theme.set_axis_colors(axr) axl.text( 0.5, 0.95, plot_data.left_long_name, horizontalalignment="center", color=theme.COLOURS["time series"][left_variable], fontproperties=theme.FONTS["legend label large"], transform=axl.transAxes, ) axl.text( 0.5, 0.9, plot_data.right_long_name, horizontalalignment="center", color=theme.COLOURS["time series"][right_variable], fontproperties=theme.FONTS["legend label large"], transform=axl.transAxes, ) axl.grid(axis="x")