Source code for nowcast.figures.research.tracer_thalweg_and_surface

#  Copyright 2013 – present by the SalishSeaCast Project contributors
#  and The University of British Columbia
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Produce a figure that shows colour contours of a tracer on a vertical slice
along a section of the domain thalweg,
and on the surface for a section of the domain that excludes Puget Sound
in the south and Johnstone Strait in the north.

.. note::
    This module us no longer used in production but it preserved here
    because the `figure development and testing docs`_ and notebooks
    refer to it.

.. _figure development and testing docs:

Testing notebook for this module is

Development notebook for this module is

from types import SimpleNamespace

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import gridspec
from salishsea_tools import visualisations as vis
from salishsea_tools import viz_tools

import nowcast.figures.website_theme

[docs] def make_figure( tracer_var, bathy, mesh_mask, cmap, depth_integrated, figsize=(16, 9), theme=nowcast.figures.website_theme, ): """Plot colour contours of tracer on a vertical slice along a section of the domain thalweg, and on the surface for the Strait of Georgia and Juan de Fuca Strait regions of the domain. :param tracer_var: Hourly average tracer results from NEMO run. :type tracer_var: :py:class:`netCDF4.Variable` :param bathy: SalishSeaCast NEMO model bathymetry data. :type bathy: :class:`netCDF4.Dataset` :param mesh_mask: NEMO-generated mesh mask for run that produced tracer_var. :type mesh_mask: :class:`netCDF4.Dataset` :param cmap: Colour map to use for tracer_var contour plots. :type cmap: :py:class:`matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap` :param boolean depth_integrated: Integrate the tracer over the water column depth when :py:obj:`True`. :param 2-tuple figsize: Figure size (width, height) in inches. :param theme: Module-like object that defines the style elements for the figure. See :py:mod:`nowcast.figures.website_theme` for an example. :returns: :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` """ plot_data = _prep_plot_data(tracer_var, mesh_mask, depth_integrated) fig, (ax_thalweg, ax_surface) = _prep_fig_axes(figsize, theme) clevels_thalweg, clevels_surface, show_thalweg_cbar = _calc_clevels(plot_data) cbar_thalweg = _plot_tracer_thalweg( ax_thalweg, plot_data, bathy, mesh_mask, cmap, clevels_thalweg ) _thalweg_axes_labels( ax_thalweg, plot_data, show_thalweg_cbar, clevels_thalweg, cbar_thalweg, theme ) cbar_surface = _plot_tracer_surface(ax_surface, plot_data, cmap, clevels_surface) _surface_axes_labels( ax_surface, tracer_var, depth_integrated, clevels_surface, cbar_surface, theme ) return fig
def _prep_plot_data(tracer_var, mesh_mask, depth_integrated): hr = 19 sj, ej = 200, 800 si, ei = 20, 395 tracer_hr = tracer_var[hr] masked_tracer_hr =["tmask"][0, ...] == 0, tracer_hr) surface_hr = masked_tracer_hr[0, sj:ej, si:ei] if depth_integrated: grid_heights = mesh_mask.variables["e3t_1d"][:][0].reshape( tracer_hr.shape[0], 1, 1 ) height_weighted = masked_tracer_hr[:, sj:ej, si:ei] * grid_heights surface_hr = height_weighted.sum(axis=0) return SimpleNamespace( tracer_var=tracer_var, tracer_hr=tracer_hr, surface_hr=surface_hr, surface_j_limits=(sj, ej), surface_i_limits=(si, ei), thalweg_depth_limits=(0, 450), thalweg_length_limits=(0, 632), ) def _prep_fig_axes(figsize, theme): fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, facecolor=theme.COLOURS["figure"]["facecolor"]) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1.618, 1]) ax_thalweg = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax_thalweg.set_facecolor(theme.COLOURS["axes"]["background"]) ax_surface = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) ax_surface.set_facecolor(theme.COLOURS["axes"]["background"]) return fig, (ax_thalweg, ax_surface) def _calc_clevels(plot_data): """Calculates contour levels for the two axes and decides whether whether the levels are similar enough that one colour bar is sufficient for the figure, or if each axes requires one. """ percent_98_surf = np.percentile(plot_data.surface_hr.compressed(), 98) percent_2_surf = np.percentile(plot_data.surface_hr.compressed(), 2) percent_98_grid = np.percentile(, 0).compressed(), 98 ) percent_2_grid = np.percentile(, 0).compressed(), 2 ) overlap = max( 0, min(percent_98_surf, percent_98_grid) - max(percent_2_surf, percent_2_grid) ) magnitude = (percent_98_surf - percent_2_surf) + (percent_98_grid - percent_2_grid) if 2 * overlap / magnitude > 0.5: max_clevel = max(percent_98_surf, percent_98_grid) min_clevel = min(percent_2_surf, percent_2_grid) clevels_thalweg = np.arange( min_clevel, max_clevel, (max_clevel - min_clevel) / 20.0 ) clevels_surface = clevels_thalweg show_thalweg_cbar = False else: clevels_thalweg = np.arange( percent_2_grid, percent_98_grid, (percent_98_grid - percent_2_grid) / 20.0 ) clevels_surface = np.arange( percent_2_surf, percent_98_surf, (percent_98_surf - percent_2_surf) / 20.0 ) show_thalweg_cbar = True return clevels_thalweg, clevels_surface, show_thalweg_cbar def _plot_tracer_thalweg(ax, plot_data, bathy, mesh_mask, cmap, clevels): cbar = vis.contour_thalweg( ax, plot_data.tracer_hr, bathy, mesh_mask, clevels=clevels, cmap=cmap, ## TODO: Can this path be moved into nowcast.yaml config file? thalweg_file="/SalishSeaCast/tools/bathymetry/thalweg_working" ".txt", cbar_args={"fraction": 0.030, "pad": 0.04, "aspect": 45}, ) return cbar def _thalweg_axes_labels(ax, plot_data, show_thalweg_cbar, clevels, cbar, theme): ax.set_xlim(plot_data.thalweg_length_limits) ax.set_ylim(plot_data.thalweg_depth_limits[1], plot_data.thalweg_depth_limits[0]) if show_thalweg_cbar: label = f"{plot_data.tracer_var.long_name} [{plot_data.tracer_var.units}]" _cbar_labels(cbar, clevels[::2], theme, label) else: cbar.remove() ax.set_xlabel( "Distance along thalweg [km]", color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["axis"], fontproperties=theme.FONTS["axis"], ) ax.set_ylabel( "Depth [m]", color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["axis"], fontproperties=theme.FONTS["axis"], ) theme.set_axis_colors(ax) def _cbar_labels(cbar, contour_intervals, theme, label): cbar.set_ticks(contour_intervals)["cbar"]["tick labels"]) cbar.set_label( label, fontproperties=theme.FONTS["axis"], color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["axis"] ) def _plot_tracer_surface(ax, plot_data, cmap, clevels): x, y = np.meshgrid( np.arange(*plot_data.surface_i_limits, dtype=int), np.arange(*plot_data.surface_j_limits, dtype=int), ) mesh = ax.contourf( x, y, plot_data.surface_hr, levels=clevels, cmap=cmap, extend="both" ) cbar = plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax, fraction=0.034, pad=0.04, aspect=45) return cbar def _surface_axes_labels(ax, tracer_var, depth_integrated, clevels, cbar, theme): cbar_units = f"{tracer_var.units}*m" if depth_integrated else f"{tracer_var.units}" cbar_label = f"{tracer_var.long_name} [{cbar_units}]" _cbar_labels(cbar, clevels[::2], theme, cbar_label) ax.set_xlabel( "Grid x", color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["axis"], fontproperties=theme.FONTS["axis"], ) ax.set_ylabel( "Grid y", color=theme.COLOURS["text"]["axis"], fontproperties=theme.FONTS["axis"], ) ax.set_facecolor("burlywood") viz_tools.set_aspect(ax) theme.set_axis_colors(ax)