Source code for nowcast.figures.shared

#  Copyright 2013 – present by the SalishSeaCast Project contributors
#  and The University of British Columbia
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""A collection of functions for use by multiple figure modules in the
``nowcast.figures`` namespaces.

.. note::
    These functions are intended for use *only* by ``nowcast.figures``
    If you find that you want to use one of these functions outside of those
    namespaces please talk to the group about refactoring the function into
    the :ref:`SalishSeaToolsPackage`.
import io
import os

import arrow
import matplotlib.image
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
from matplotlib import patches
from matplotlib.backends import backend_agg as backend
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from salishsea_tools import stormtools
from salishsea_tools.places import PLACES

import nowcast.figures.website_theme

[docs] def plot_map( ax, coastline, lat_range=(47.5, 50.7), lon_range=(-126, -122), land_patch_min_area=1e-3, theme=nowcast.figures.website_theme, ): """Plot a map of the Salish Sea region, including the options to add a coastline, colour of the land, and colour of the domain. The map produced by this function is intended for use as the background for figures on which model results are plotted. It is rasterized to minimize the file size of the resulting rendered figure image, an important consideration for web site figure images. :arg ax: Axes object to plot the map on. :type ax: :py:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` :arg dict coastline: Pacific Northwest Coastline from matlab ``.mat`` file. :arg 2-tuple lat_range: Latitude range to be plotted. :arg 2-tuple lon_range: Longitude range to be plotted. :arg float land_patch_min_area: Minimum area of land patch to be plotted. :arg theme: Module-like object that defines the style elements for the figure. See :py:mod:`nowcast.figures.website_theme` for an example. """ mapfig = _make_background_map( coastline, lat_range, lon_range, land_patch_min_area, theme ) buffer_ = _render_png_buffer(mapfig) img = matplotlib.image.imread(buffer_, format="anything") ax.imshow(img, zorder=0, extent=[*lon_range, *lat_range]) ax.set_xlim(lon_range) ax.set_ylim(lat_range)
def _make_background_map(coastline, lat_range, lon_range, land_patch_min_area, theme): fig = Figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # Plot coastline coast_lat = coastline["ncst"][:, 1] coast_lon = coastline["ncst"][:, 0] ax.plot(coast_lon, coast_lat, "-k", rasterized=True, markersize=1) # Plot land patches mask = coastline["Area"][0] > land_patch_min_area kss = coastline["k"][:, 0][:-1][mask] kee = coastline["k"][:, 0][1:][mask] for ks, ke in zip(kss, kee): poly = list(zip(coast_lon[ks : ke - 2], coast_lat[ks : ke - 2])) ax.add_patch( patches.Polygon(poly, facecolor=theme.COLOURS["land"], rasterized=True) ) # Format the axes ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.set_xlim(lon_range) ax.set_ylim(lat_range) fig.set_tight_layout({"pad": 0}) return fig def _render_png_buffer(fig): canvas = backend.FigureCanvasAgg(fig) buffer = io.BytesIO() canvas.print_figure(buffer, format="png") return buffer
[docs] def get_tides(stn_name, path="../../tidal_predictions/"): """Return the tidal predictions at the named tide gauge station station. :arg str stn_name: Name of the tide gauge station. :arg str path: Path to the directory containing the tidal prediction .csv files to use. Default value resolves to :file:`SalishSeaNowcast/tidal_predications/ for calls elsewhere in the :py:mod:`~SalishSeaNowcast.nowcast.figures` namespace. :returns: Tidal predictions object with columns time, pred_all, pred_8. :rtype: :py:class:`pandas.Dataframe` """ fname = f"{stn_name}_tidal_prediction_30-Dec-2006_31-Dec-2030.csv" ttide, _ = stormtools.load_tidal_predictions(os.path.join(path, fname)) return ttide
[docs] def find_ssh_max(tide_gauge_stn, ssh_ts, ttide): """Find the maximum corrected sea surface height at a tide gauge station, and the date/time at which it occurrs. :arg str tide_gauge_stn: Name of tide gauge station. :arg ssh_ts: Sea surface height time series. :py:attr:`ssh` attribute is a :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` of sea surface height values. :py:attr:`time` attribute is a :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` object. :type ssh_ts: :py:class:`collections.namedtuple` :arg ttide: Tidal predictions data structure with ``time``, ``pred_all``, ``pred_8``, and ``pred_noshallow`` columns. :type ttide: :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` """ ssh_corr = correct_model_ssh(*ssh_ts, ttide) max_ssh = np.max(ssh_corr) + PLACES[tide_gauge_stn]["mean sea lvl"] max_ssh_time = ssh_ts.time[np.argmax(ssh_corr)] return max_ssh, max_ssh_time
## TODO: Move to stormtools module and/or merge w/ stormtools.correct_model() ## TODO: Perhaps refactor to accept a ssh_ts namedtuple
[docs] def correct_model_ssh(ssh_model, t_model, ttide): """Adjust model sea surface height by correcting for error due to using only 8 tidal constituents. Based on :py:func:`salishsea_tools.stormtools.correct_model`. Uses a tidal prediction with no shallow water minus a tidal prediction with 8 constituents. :arg ssh_model: Sea surface height model results. :type ssh_model: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg t_model: Model :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` objects corresponding to ``ssh_model``. :type t_model: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg ttide: Tidal predictions data structure with ``time``, ``pred_all``, ``pred_8``, and ``pred_noshallow`` columns. :type ttide: :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` :returns: Corrected model sea surface height. :rtype: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` """ difference = np.array(ttide[" pred_noshallow "] - ttide["pred_8"]) corr = interp_to_model_time(t_model, difference, ttide.time) corr_model = ssh_model + corr return corr_model
## TODO: This should probably be in a salishsea_tools module.
[docs] def interp_to_model_time(t_model, values, t_values): """Interpolate a an array of values to model output times. Strategy: Convert times to seconds past a reference value and use those as the independent variable in interpolation. :arg t_model: Model output times as :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` objects. :type t_model: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg values: Values to be interpolated to model output times. :type values: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg t_values: Times corresponding to ``values`` as :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` objects. :type t_values: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: Values interpolated to ``t_model`` times. :rtype: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` """ epoch = t_model[0] t_values_wrt_epoch = np.array([(t - epoch).total_seconds() for t in t_values]) t_model_wrt_epoch = np.array([(t - epoch).total_seconds() for t in t_model]) return np.interp( t_model_wrt_epoch, t_values_wrt_epoch, values, left=np.NaN, right=np.NaN )
[docs] def plot_risk_level_marker( ax, tide_gauge_name, risk_level, marker, msize, alpha, theme ): """Draw a storm surge risk level marker at tide gauge location. The axes is assumed to be using lon/lat scales. :arg ax: Axes object to draw the marker on. :type ax: :py:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` :arg str tide_gauge_name: Name of the tide gauge site at which to plot the marker. :arg str risk_level: Storm surge risk level identifier, perhaps from :py:func:`salishsea_tools.stormtools.storm_surge_risk_level`: :py:obj:`None` for no storm surge risk, ``moderate risk`` for water level between max tide level and the half-way threshold, and ``extreme risk`` for water level above the half-way threshold :arg str marker: Marker identifier from :py:mod:`matplotlib.markers`. :arg float msize: Marker size. :arg float alpha: Marker transparency. :arg theme: Module-like object that defines the style elements for the figure. See :py:mod:`nowcast.figures.website_theme` for an example. """ ax.plot( *PLACES[tide_gauge_name]["lon lat"], marker=marker, markersize=msize, markeredgewidth=2, alpha=alpha, color=theme.COLOURS["storm surge risk levels"][risk_level], )
[docs] def plot_wind_arrow(ax, lon, lat, u_wind, v_wind, theme, wind_arrow_scale_factor=0.1): """Draw a wind arrow on an plot axes. The axes is assumed to be using lon/lat scales. This just a wrapper that applies particular formatting to the :py:meth:`matplotlib.axes.arrow` method. :arg ax: Axes object to draw the arrow on. :type ax: :py:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` :arg float lon: Longitude of the arrow starting point. :arg float lat: Latitude of the arrow starting point. :arg float u_wind: Zonal (u) direction component of wind speed; value will be scaled to give longitude direction length of arrow. :arg float v_wind: Meridional (v) direction component of wind speed; value will be scaled to give latitude direction length of arrow. :arg float wind_arrow_scale_factor: Scale factor applied to wind speed components to convert them to lon/lat scale of plot; defaults to 0.1. :arg theme: Module-like object that defines the style elements for the figure. See :py:mod:`nowcast.figures.website_theme` for an example. """ ax.arrow( lon, lat, wind_arrow_scale_factor * u_wind, wind_arrow_scale_factor * v_wind, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.1, width=0.02, facecolor=theme.COLOURS["wind arrow"]["facecolor"], edgecolor=theme.COLOURS["wind arrow"]["edgecolor"], )
[docs] def interpolate_tracer_to_depths( tracer, tracer_depths, interp_depths, tracer_mask, w_depths ): """Calculate the interpolated value of ``tracer`` at ``interp_depths`` using linear interpolation. :arg tracer: Depth profile of a model tracer variable. :type tracer: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg tracer_depths: Depths at which the model tracer variable has values. :type tracer_depths: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg interp_depths: Depth(s) at which to calculate the interpolated value of the model variable or data quantity. :type interp_depths: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` or number :arg tracer_mask: Mask to use obtain the water sections of ``tracer`` and ``tracer_depths``; i.e. a 1D slice of :py:attr:`tmask` from the mesh mask. :type tracer_mask: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg w_depths: Mask to use for the depths. For model results it is best to use the a 1D slice of the appropriate mesh mask array; e.g. :py:attr:`tmask` for tracers. Masking the depths array increases the accuracy of the interpolation. If var_depth_mask is not provided the depths array is zero-masked. :type w_depths: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: Value(s) of ``tracer`` linearly interpolated to ``interp_depths``. :rtype: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` or number :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError` if any of the values in ``interp_depths`` exceed the maximum model grid depth. """ try: if any(interp_depths > w_depths[tracer_mask == False][0]): raise ValueError("A requested depth is outside the interpolation range.") except TypeError: if interp_depths > w_depths[tracer_mask == False][0]: raise ValueError("A requested depth is outside the interpolation range.") depth_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( tracer_depths[tracer_mask == True], tracer[tracer_mask == True], fill_value="extrapolate", assume_sorted=True, ) return depth_interp(interp_depths)
[docs] def localize_time(data_array, time_coord="time", local_datetime=None): """Offset ``data_array`` times to account for local time zone difference from UTC and add ``tz_name`` attribute to ``data_array``. .. note:: This function is intended for use just before presentation/output of ``data_array``. It is strongly recommended to do all date/time calculations in UTC to avoid time change issues. :param data_array: Data array or dataset object to adjust time values of. :type data_array: :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` or :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` :param str time_coord: Optional name of the time coordinate. :param local_datetime: Optional timezone-aware local date/time to use as basis to calculate offset from UTC. The 1st element of ``data_array`` is used when ``local_datetime`` is :py:class:`None`. :type local_datetime: :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` """ time_values = getattr(data_array, time_coord).values if local_datetime is None: local_datetime = arrow.get(str(time_values[0])).to("local") tz_offset = local_datetime.tzinfo.utcoffset(local_datetime.datetime) tz_name = local_datetime.tzinfo.tzname(local_datetime.datetime) numpy_offset = np.timedelta64(tz_offset.days, "D") + np.timedelta64( tz_offset.seconds, "s" ) data_array[time_coord] = time_values + numpy_offset data_array.attrs["tz_name"] = tz_name