Source code for nowcast.workers.grib_to_netcdf

#  Copyright 2013 – present by the SalishSeaCast Project contributors
#  and The University of British Columbia
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""SalishSeaCast worker that generates weather forcing file from GRIB2 forecast files.

Collect weather forecast results from hourly GRIB2 files and produce
day-long NEMO atmospheric forcing netCDF files.
Development notebooks are in:

import functools
import logging
from pathlib import Path

import arrow
import numpy
from nemo_nowcast import NowcastWorker
import xarray

NAME = "grib_to_netcdf"
logger = logging.getLogger(NAME)

# TODO: move these constants to config YAMl file
# Position of Sand Heads
SandI, SandJ = 118, 108

[docs] def main(): """For command-line usage see: :command:`python -m nowcast.workers.grib_to_netcdf --help` """ worker = NowcastWorker(NAME, description=__doc__) worker.init_cli() worker.cli.add_argument( "run_type", choices={"nowcast+", "forecast2"}, help=""" Type of run to produce netCDF files for: 'nowcast+' means nowcast & 1st forecast runs, 'forecast2' means 2nd forecast run. """, ) worker.cli.add_argument( "--full-continental-grid", action="store_true", help=""" Process full continental domain HRDPS GRIB files rather than files already cropped to SalishSeaCast domain by crop_gribs worker. """, ) worker.cli.add_date_option( "--run-date","day"), help="Date of the run to produce netCDF files for.", ), success, failure) return worker
def success(parsed_args): ymd = parsed_args.run_date.format("YYYY-MM-DD")"{ymd} NEMO-atmos forcing file for {parsed_args.run_type} created") msg_type = f"success {parsed_args.run_type}" return msg_type def failure(parsed_args): ymd = parsed_args.run_date.format("YYYY-MM-DD") logger.critical( f"{ymd} NEMO-atmos forcing file creation for {parsed_args.run_type} failed" ) msg_type = f"failure {parsed_args.run_type}" return msg_type def grib_to_netcdf(parsed_args, config, *args): """Collect weather forecast results from hourly GRIB2 files and produces day-long NEMO atmospheric forcing netCDF files. """ checklist = {} run_date = parsed_args.run_date run_type = parsed_args.run_type full_grid = parsed_args.full_continental_grid var_names = config["weather"]["download"]["2.5 km"]["variables"] if not full_grid: # A bug in cfgrib.xarray_to_grib.to_grib() causes the buggy "unknown" GRIB name for the # ACPC_Sfc variable in the ECCC files to be named "t" (for "air_temperature"). # So, we compensate for that here. acpc_index = var_names.index(["APCP_Sfc", "unknown", "precip"]) var_names[acpc_index] = ["APCP_Sfc", "t", "precip"] match run_type: case "nowcast+": f"creating NEMO-atmos forcing files for {run_date.format('YYYY-MM-DD')} " f"nowcast and forecast runs" ) # run_date dataset is composed of pieces from 3 grib forecast hours: # hours 5-6 from 18Z forecast of previous day # hours 1-12 from 00Z forecast of run_date day # hours 1-11 from 12Z forecast of run_date day fcst_hr, fcst_step_range = "18", (5, 6) nemo_ds_18 = _calc_nemo_ds( var_names, run_date, fcst_hr, fcst_step_range, full_grid, config, run_date_offset=-1, ) fcst_hr, fcst_step_range = "00", (1, 12) nemo_ds_00 = _calc_nemo_ds( var_names, run_date, fcst_hr, fcst_step_range, full_grid, config, first_step_is_offset=False, ) fcst_hr, fcst_step_range = "12", (1, 11) nemo_ds_12 = _calc_nemo_ds( var_names, run_date, fcst_hr, fcst_step_range, full_grid, config, first_step_is_offset=False, ) nemo_ds = xarray.combine_by_coords((nemo_ds_18, nemo_ds_00, nemo_ds_12)) nc_file = _write_netcdf(nemo_ds, run_date, run_date, run_type, config) _update_checklist(nc_file, checklist) # run_date + 1 dataset is composed of hours 11-35 from 12Z forecast fcst_hr, fcst_step_range = "12", (11, 35) nemo_ds_fcst_day_1 = _calc_nemo_ds( var_names, run_date, fcst_hr, fcst_step_range, full_grid, config ) nc_file = _write_netcdf( nemo_ds_fcst_day_1, run_date.shift(days=+1), run_date, run_type, config, fcst=True, ) _update_checklist(nc_file, checklist, fcst=True) # run_date + 2 dataset is composed of hours 35-48 from 12Z forecast fcst_hr, fcst_step_range = "12", (35, 48) nemo_ds_fcst_day_2 = _calc_nemo_ds( var_names, run_date, fcst_hr, fcst_step_range, full_grid, config ) nc_file = _write_netcdf( nemo_ds_fcst_day_2, run_date.shift(days=+2), run_date, run_type, config, fcst=True, ) _update_checklist(nc_file, checklist, fcst=True) case "forecast2": f"creating NEMO-atmos forcing files for {run_date.format('YYYY-MM-DD')} " f"forecast2 run" ) # run_date + 1 dataset is composed of hours 17-41 from 06Z forecast fcst_hr, fcst_step_range = "06", (17, 41) nemo_ds_fcst_day_1 = _calc_nemo_ds( var_names, run_date, fcst_hr, fcst_step_range, full_grid, config ) nc_file = _write_netcdf( nemo_ds_fcst_day_1, run_date.shift(days=+1), run_date, run_type, config, fcst=True, ) _update_checklist(nc_file, checklist, fcst=True) # run_date + 2 dataset is composed of hours 41-48 from 06Z forecast fcst_hr, fcst_step_range = "06", (41, 48) nemo_ds_fcst_day_2 = _calc_nemo_ds( var_names, run_date, fcst_hr, fcst_step_range, full_grid, config, ) nc_file = _write_netcdf( nemo_ds_fcst_day_2, run_date.shift(days=+2), run_date, run_type, config, fcst=True, ) _update_checklist(nc_file, checklist, fcst=True) return checklist def _calc_nemo_ds( var_names, run_date, fcst_hr, fcst_step_range, full_grid, config, run_date_offset=0, first_step_is_offset=True, ): """ :param list var_names: :param :py:class:`arrow.Arrow`. run_date: :param tuple fcst_step_range: :param boolean full_grid: :param dict config: :param int run_date_offset: :param boolean first_step_is_offset: :rtype: :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` """ fcst_date = run_date.shift(days=run_date_offset) logger.debug( f"creating NEMO forcing dataset from {fcst_date.format('YYYYMMDD')} {fcst_hr}Z " f"forecast hours {fcst_step_range[0]:03d} to {fcst_step_range[1]:03d}" ) # GRIB files that have been cropped to the sub-grid that contains the # SalishSeaCast NEMO domain contain messed up lon/lat arrays due to buggy or # undocumented behaviour of cfgrib.xarray_to_grib.to_grib(). # So, we load a georef dataset containing the correct lon/lat arrays. # NOTE: This georef dataset has the 1 point more in both directions than the # final domain size to facilitate calculation of the grid rotation angle # for the wind components. georef_path = config["weather"]["download"]["2.5 km"]["SSC georef"] georef_ds = xarray.open_dataset(georef_path) if not full_grid else None nemo_datasets = {} for msc_var, grib_var, nemo_var in var_names: grib_files = _calc_grib_file_paths( fcst_date, fcst_hr, fcst_step_range, msc_var, full_grid, config ) nemo_datasets[nemo_var] = _calc_nemo_var_ds( msc_var, grib_var, nemo_var, grib_files, full_grid, georef_ds, config ) nemo_ds = xarray.combine_by_coords( nemo_datasets.values(), combine_attrs="drop_conflicts" ) nemo_ds = _calc_earth_ref_winds(nemo_ds) nemo_ds = _apportion_accumulation_vars(nemo_ds, first_step_is_offset, config) _improve_metadata(nemo_ds, config) return nemo_ds def _calc_grib_file_paths( fcst_date, fcst_hr, fcst_step_range, msc_var, full_grid, config ): """ :param :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` fcst_date: :param str fcst_hr: :param tuple fcst_step_range: :param str msc_var: :param boolean full_grid: :param dict config: :rtype: list """ grib_dir = Path(config["weather"]["download"]["2.5 km"]["GRIB dir"]) file_tmpl = ( config["weather"]["download"]["2.5 km"]["ECCC file template"] if full_grid else config["weather"]["download"]["2.5 km"]["SSC cropped file template"] ) fcst_yyyymmdd = fcst_date.format("YYYYMMDD") logger.debug( f"creating {msc_var} GRIB file paths list for {fcst_yyyymmdd} {fcst_hr}Z forecast hours " f"{fcst_step_range[0]:03d} to {fcst_step_range[1]:03d}" ) grib_files = [] start, stop = fcst_step_range for fcst_step in range(start, stop + 1): grib_hr_dir = grib_dir / Path(fcst_yyyymmdd, fcst_hr, f"{fcst_step:03d}") grib_file = file_tmpl.format( date=fcst_yyyymmdd, forecast=fcst_hr, variable=msc_var, hour=f"{fcst_step:03d}", ) grib_files.append(grib_hr_dir / grib_file) return grib_files def _trim_grib(ds, y_slice, x_slice): """Preprocessing function for xarray.open_mfdataset(). :param :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` ds: :param :py:class:`slice` y_slice: :param :py:class:`slice` x_slice: :rtype: :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` """ if y_slice is not None and x_slice is not None: # Select region of interest ds = ds.sel(y=y_slice, x=x_slice) # Drop coordinates that we don't need keep_coords = ("time", "step", "latitude", "longitude") ds = ds.reset_coords( [coord for coord in ds.coords if coord not in keep_coords], drop=True, ) return ds def _calc_nemo_var_ds( msc_var, grib_var, nemo_var, grib_files, full_grid, georef_ds, config ): """ :param str msc_var: :param str grib_var: :param str nemo_var: :param list grib_files: :param boolean full_grid: :param :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` or None georef_ds: :param dict config: :rtype: :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` """ logger.debug(f"creating {nemo_var} dataset from {msc_var} GRIB files") if not full_grid: # GRIB files have already been cropped to the sub-grid that contains the # SalishSeaCast NEMO domain _partial_trim_grib = functools.partial(_trim_grib, y_slice=None, x_slice=None) else: y_min, y_max = config["weather"]["download"]["2.5 km"]["lat indices"] x_min, x_max = config["weather"]["download"]["2.5 km"]["lon indices"] # We need 1 point more in both directions than the final domain size to facilitate # calculation of the grid rotation angle for the wind components y_slice = slice(y_min, y_max + 1) x_slice = slice(x_min, x_max + 1) _partial_trim_grib = functools.partial( _trim_grib, y_slice=y_slice, x_slice=x_slice ) grib_ds = xarray.open_mfdataset( grib_files, preprocess=_partial_trim_grib, combine="nested", concat_dim="step", engine="cfgrib", backend_kwargs={"indexpath": ""}, ) time_counter = grib_ds.step.values + grib_ds.time.values nemo_da = xarray.DataArray( data=grib_ds[grib_var].data, coords={ "time_counter": time_counter, "y": grib_ds.y, "x": grib_ds.x, }, attrs=grib_ds[grib_var].attrs, ) if not full_grid: # GRIB files have already been cropped to the sub-grid that contains the # SalishSeaCast NEMO domain but due to buggy or undocumented behaviour of # cfgrib.xarray_to_grib.to_grib() the lon/lat arrays are messed up. # So, we use a georef dataset containing the correct lon/lat arrays. nav_lon = georef_ds.longitude nav_lat = georef_ds.latitude else: # Lons/Lats are okay in datasets from the full HRDPS continental domain # that we cropped via _partial_trim_grib() when we loaded them above nav_lon = grib_ds.longitude nav_lat = grib_ds.latitude nemo_ds = xarray.Dataset( data_vars={ nemo_var: nemo_da, }, coords={ "time_counter": time_counter, "y": grib_ds.y, "x": grib_ds.x, "nav_lon": nav_lon, "nav_lat": nav_lat, }, attrs=grib_ds.attrs, ) = + 360 try: # Drop unneeded variables that come from full continental domain GRIB files. # Drop time separately from lons/lats because drop_vars() fails is any of the vars # in the list don't exist. nemo_ds = nemo_ds.drop_vars(["time"]) nemo_ds = nemo_ds.drop_vars(["longitude", "latitude"]) except ValueError: # We don't care if some or all of them don't exist in the dataset pass return nemo_ds def _calc_earth_ref_winds(nemo_ds): """Rotate wind components to earth-reference. :param :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` nemo_ds: :rtype: :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` """ logger.debug("calculating earth-referenced wind components") x_angles = _calc_grid_angle([:-1, :-1],[:-1, :-1],[:-1, 1:],[:-1, 1:], "x", ) y_angles = _calc_grid_angle([:-1, :-1],[:-1, :-1],[1:, :-1],[1:, :-1], "y", ) angles = (x_angles + y_angles) / 2 u_wind_grid = nemo_ds.u_wind[:, :-1, :-1].data v_wind_grid = nemo_ds.v_wind[:, :-1, :-1].data u_wind_earth = u_wind_grid * numpy.cos(angles) - v_wind_grid * numpy.sin(angles) v_wind_earth = u_wind_grid * numpy.sin(angles) + v_wind_grid * numpy.cos(angles) trimmed_ds = xarray.Dataset( data_vars={var: nemo_ds[var][:, :-1, :-1] for var in nemo_ds.data_vars}, coords={ "time_counter": nemo_ds.time_counter, "y": nemo_ds.y[:-1], "x": nemo_ds.x[:-1], "nav_lon": nemo_ds.nav_lon[:-1, :-1], "nav_lat": nemo_ds.nav_lat[:-1, :-1], }, attrs=nemo_ds.attrs, ) = u_wind_earth = v_wind_earth return trimmed_ds def _calc_grid_angle(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, direction): """Calculate the angle (in radians) of rotation of the grid. Based on:,-121.887340&to=49.227648,-121.89631 Susan changed the algorithm from the link above so that it is NOT bearing but the angle (which increases counter-clockwise) from due east. :param :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` lat1: :param :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` lon1: :param :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` lat2: :param :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` lon2: :param str direction: "x" or "y" :rtype: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` """ lat1 = numpy.deg2rad(lat1) lat2 = numpy.deg2rad(lat2) del_lon = numpy.deg2rad(lon2) - numpy.deg2rad(lon1) y_component = numpy.sin(del_lon) * numpy.cos(lat2) x_component = numpy.cos(lat1) * numpy.sin(lat2) - numpy.sin(lat1) * numpy.cos( lat2 ) * numpy.cos(del_lon) da = numpy.pi / 2 if direction == "x" else 0 return numpy.arctan2(-y_component, x_component) + da def _apportion_accumulation_vars(nemo_ds, first_step_is_offset, config): """Apportion variables that hold quantities (e.g. precipitation, short & long wave radiation) accumulated over 24 hours in the GRIB files to hourly values. Also, when the first time step is the "previous" value for the apportioning (first_step_isOffset=True), drop that time step from the dataset. It is no longer needed for the accumulation variables, and always was excess baggage for the other variables. :param :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` nemo_ds: :param boolean first_step_is_offset: :param dict config: :rtype: :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` """ accum_vars = config["weather"]["download"]["2.5 km"]["accumulation variables"] logger.debug(f"apportioning {', '.join(accum_vars)} accumulation variables") data_vars = ( {var: nemo_ds[var][1:] for var in nemo_ds.data_vars} if first_step_is_offset else {var: nemo_ds[var] for var in nemo_ds.data_vars} ) time_counter = ( nemo_ds.time_counter[1:] if first_step_is_offset else nemo_ds.time_counter ) apportioned_ds = xarray.Dataset( data_vars=data_vars, coords={ "time_counter": time_counter, "y": nemo_ds.y, "x": nemo_ds.x, "nav_lon": nemo_ds.nav_lon, "nav_lat": nemo_ds.nav_lat, }, attrs=nemo_ds.attrs, ) for var in accum_vars: apportioned_data = nemo_ds[var][1:].data - nemo_ds[var][0:-1].data if first_step_is_offset: apportioned_ds[var].data = apportioned_data else: apportioned_ds[var].data[1:] = apportioned_data apportioned_ds[var].data /= 3600 return apportioned_ds def _improve_metadata(nemo_ds, config): """ :param :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` nemo_ds: :param dict config: """ nemo_ds.time_counter.attrs.update( { "axis": "T", "ioos_category": "Time", "long_name": "Time Axis", "standard_name": "time", "time_origin": "01-JAN-1970 00:00", } ) nemo_ds.y.attrs.update( { "ioos_category": "location", "long_name": "Y", "standard_name": "y", "units": "count", "comment": ( "Y values are grid indices in the model y-direction; " "geo-location data for the SalishSeaCast sub-domain of the ECCC MSC " "2.5km resolution HRDPS continental model grid is available in the " "ubcSSaSurfaceAtmosphereFieldsV22-02 dataset." ), }, ) nemo_ds.x.attrs.update( { "ioos_category": "location", "long_name": "X", "standard_name": "x", "units": "count", "comment": ( "X values are grid indices in the model x-direction; " "geo-location data for the SalishSeaCast sub-domain of the ECCC MSC " "2.5km resolution HRDPS continental model grid is available in the " "ubcSSaSurfaceAtmosphereFieldsV22-02 dataset." ), } ) nemo_ds.nav_lon.attrs.update( { "ioos_category": "location", "long_name": "Longitude", } ) nemo_ds.nav_lat.attrs.update( { "ioos_category": "location", "long_name": "Latitude", } ) nemo_var_names = [ name[2] for name in config["weather"]["download"]["2.5 km"]["variables"] ] for nemo_var in nemo_var_names: nemo_ds[nemo_var].attrs.update( { "GRIB_numberOfPoints": "43700LL", "GRIB_Nx": "230LL", "GRIB_Ny": "190LL", "ioos_category": "atmospheric", } ) nemo_ds.LHTFL_surface.attrs.update( { "standard_name": "surface_downward_latent_heat_flux", "units": "W m-2", "comment": "For Vancouver Harbour and Lower Fraser River FVCOM model", } ) nemo_ds.PRATE_surface.attrs.update( { "standard_name": "precipitation_flux", "units": "kg m-2 s-1", "comment": "For Vancouver Harbour and Lower Fraser River FVCOM model", } ) nemo_ds.RH_2maboveground.attrs.update( { "standard_name": "relative_humidity", "units": "%", "comment": "For Vancouver Harbour and Lower Fraser River FVCOM model", } ) nemo_ds.atmpres.attrs.update( { "standard_name": "air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level", "long_name": "Air Pressure at MSL", "units": "Pa", } ) nemo_ds.precip.attrs.update( { "GRIB_paramId": "500041", "GRIB_cfName": "precipitation_flux", "GRIB_cfVarName": "precipitation_flux", "GRIB_name": "Total Precipitation rate (S)", "GRIB_shortName": "tot_prec", "GRIB_units": "kg m-2 s-1", "standard_name": "precipitation_flux", "long_name": "Precipitation Flux", "units": "kg m-2 s-1", } ) nemo_ds.qair.attrs.update( { "standard_name": "specific_humidity", "long_name": "Specific Humidity at 2m", "units": "kg kg-1", } ) { "standard_name": "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air", "long_name": "Downward Short-Wave (Solar) Radiation Flux", "units": "W m-2", } ) nemo_ds.tair.attrs.update( { "standard_name": "air_temperature", "long_name": "Air Temperature at 2m", "units": "K", } ) nemo_ds.therm_rad.attrs.update( { "standard_name": "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air", "long_name": "Downward Long-Wave (Thermal) Radiation Flux", "units": "W m-2", } ) nemo_ds.u_wind.attrs.update( { "standard_name": "eastward_wind", "long_name": "U-Component of Wind at 10m", "units": "m s-1", } ) nemo_ds.v_wind.attrs.update( { "standard_name": "northward_wind", "long_name": "V-Component of Wind at 10m", "units": "m s-1", } ) nemo_ds.attrs.update( { "title": "HRDPS, Salish Sea, Atmospheric Forcing Fields, Hourly, v22-02", "project": "UBC EOAS SalishSeaCast", "institution": "UBC EOAS", "institution_fullname": "Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia", "creator_name": "SalishSeaCast Project Contributors", "creator_email": "sallen at", "creator_url": "", "drawLandMask": "over", "coverage_content_type": "modelResult", } ) def _write_netcdf(nemo_ds, file_date, run_date, run_type, config, fcst=False): """ :param :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` nemo_ds: :param :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` file_date: :param :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` run_date: :param str run_type: :param dict config: :param boolean fcst: :rtype: :py:class:`pathlib.Path` """ encoding = { "time_counter": { "calendar": "gregorian", "units": "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00", "dtype": float, }, } encoding.update({var: {"zlib": True, "complevel": 4} for var in nemo_ds.data_vars}) ops_dir = Path(config["weather"]["ops dir"]) nc_file_tmpl = config["weather"]["file template"] nc_filename = nc_file_tmpl.format( nc_file = Path("fcst/", nc_filename) if fcst else Path(nc_filename) nemo_ds.attrs.update( { "history": ( f"[{'local').format('ddd YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss ZZ')}] " f"python3 -m nowcast.workers.grib_to_netcdf $NOWCAST_YAML " f"{run_type} --run-date {run_date.format('YYYY-MM-DD')}" ), } ) _to_netcdf(nemo_ds, encoding, ops_dir / nc_file)"created {ops_dir / nc_file}") return nc_file def _to_netcdf(nemo_ds, encoding, nc_file_path): """This function is separate to facilitate testing the calling function. :param :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` nemo_ds: :param dict encoding: :param :py:class:`pathlib.Path` nc_file_path: """ nemo_ds.to_netcdf(nc_file_path, encoding=encoding, unlimited_dims=("time_counter",)) def _update_checklist(nc_file, checklist, fcst=False): """ :param :py:class:`pathlib.Path` nc_file: :param dict checklist: :param boolean fcst: """ if fcst: if "fcst" not in checklist: checklist["fcst"] = [] else: checklist["fcst"].append( else: checklist["nowcast"] = if __name__ == "__main__": main()