Source code for nowcast.workers.make_runoff_file

#  Copyright 2013 – present by the SalishSeaCast Project contributors
#  and The University of British Columbia
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""SalishSeaCast runoff file generation worker.

Blend Environment Canada gauge data for the Fraser River at Hope with
climatology for the Fraser downstream of Hope,
and climatologies for all of the other modeled rivers to generate the runoff
forcing file.
import importlib
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path

import arrow
import netCDF4 as NC
import numpy as np
import yaml
from nemo_nowcast import NowcastWorker
from salishsea_tools import rivertools

NAME = "make_runoff_file"
logger = logging.getLogger(NAME)

[docs] def main(): """Set up and run the worker. For command-line usage see: :command:`python -m nowcast.workers.make_runoff_file --help` """ worker = NowcastWorker(NAME, description=__doc__) worker.init_cli() worker.cli.add_date_option( "--run-date","day"), help="Date of the run to produce runoff file for.", ), success, failure)
def success(parsed_args): ymd = parsed_args.run_date.format("YYYY-MM-DD") f"{ymd} runoff file creation from Fraser at Hope and climatology " f"elsewhere complete" ) return "success" def failure(parsed_args): ymd = parsed_args.run_date.format("YYYY-MM-DD") logger.critical(f"{ymd} runoff file creation failed") return "failure" def make_runoff_file(parsed_args, config, *args): """Create a rivers runoff file from real-time Fraser River at Hope average flow yesterday and climatology for all of the other rivers. """ yesterday = parsed_args.run_date.shift(days=-1) # Find history of fraser flow fraserflow = _get_fraser_at_hope(config) # Select yesterday's value year_data = fraserflow[fraserflow[:, 0] == yesterday.year] month_data = year_data[year_data[:, 1] == yesterday.month] day_data = month_data[month_data[:, 2] ==] flow_at_hope = day_data[0, 3] # Get Fraser Watershed Climatology without Fraser otherratio, fraserratio, nonFraser, afterHope = _fraser_climatology(config) checklist = {} bathy_type = "b201702""calculating runoff forcing for b201702 bathymetry") # Get climatology climatology_file = Path(config["rivers"]["monthly climatology"][bathy_type]) criverflow, area = _get_river_climatology(climatology_file) # Interpolate to today driverflow = _calculate_daily_flow(yesterday, criverflow) logger.debug(f'calculated flow for {yesterday.format("YYYY-MM-DD")}') # Calculate combined runoff and write file directory = Path(config["rivers"]["rivers dir"]) filename_tmpls = config["rivers"]["file templates"][bathy_type] prop_dict = importlib.import_module( config["rivers"]["prop_dict modules"][bathy_type] ).prop_dict filepath = _combine_runoff( prop_dict, flow_at_hope, yesterday, afterHope, nonFraser, fraserratio, otherratio, driverflow, area, directory, filename_tmpls, ) checklist[bathy_type] = os.fspath(filepath) return checklist def _get_fraser_at_hope(config): """Read daily average discharge data for Fraser at Hope from ECget file.""" filename = Path(config["rivers"]["SOG river files"]["Fraser"]) fraserflow = np.loadtxt(os.fspath(filename)) logger.debug(f"read Fraser at Hope data from {filename}") return fraserflow def _get_river_climatology(filename): """Read the monthly climatology that we will use for all the other rivers.""" # Open monthly climatology clim_rivers = NC.Dataset(filename) criverflow = clim_rivers.variables["rorunoff"] area = clim_rivers.variables["area"] logger.debug(f"read monthly climatology for all other rivers from {filename}") return criverflow, area def _calculate_daily_flow(yesterday, criverflow): """Interpolate the daily values from the monthly values.""" pyear, nyear = yesterday.year, yesterday.year if < 16: prevmonth = yesterday.month - 1 if prevmonth == 0: # handle January prevmonth = 12 pyear = pyear - 1 nextmonth = yesterday.month else: prevmonth = yesterday.month nextmonth = yesterday.month + 1 if nextmonth == 13: # handle December nextmonth = 1 nyear = nyear + 1 fp = yesterday - arrow.get(pyear, prevmonth, 15) fn = arrow.get(nyear, nextmonth, 15) - yesterday ft = fp + fn fp = fp.days / ft.days fn = fn.days / ft.days driverflow = fn * criverflow[prevmonth - 1] + fp * criverflow[nextmonth - 1] return driverflow def _fraser_climatology(config): """Read in the Fraser climatology separated from Hope flow.""" fraser_climatology_file = Path(config["rivers"]["Fraser climatology"]) with"rt") as f: fraser_climatology = yaml.safe_load(f) logger.debug(f"read Fraser climatology from {fraser_climatology_file}") otherratio = fraser_climatology["Ratio that is not Fraser"] fraserratio = fraser_climatology["Ratio that is Fraser"] nonFraser = np.array(fraser_climatology["non Fraser by Month"]) afterHope = np.array(fraser_climatology["after Hope by Month"]) return otherratio, fraserratio, nonFraser, afterHope def _fraser_correction( pd, fraserflux, yesterday, afterHope, NonFraser, fraserratio, otherratio, runoff, area, ): """For the Fraser Basin only, replace basic values with the new climatology after Hope and the observed values for Hope. Note, we are changing runoff and ensuring river depth is not 0. """ for key, river in pd.items(): if "Fraser" in key: flux = _calculate_daily_flow(yesterday, afterHope) + fraserflux subarea = fraserratio elif "Zero" in key: flux = 0.0 subarea = 1.0 # to avoid division by zero else: flux = _calculate_daily_flow(yesterday, NonFraser) subarea = otherratio runoff = rivertools.fill_runoff_array( flux * river["prop"] / subarea, river["i"], river["di"], river["j"], river["dj"], river["depth"], runoff, np.empty_like(runoff), area, )[0] return runoff def _combine_runoff( prop_dict, flow_at_hope, yesterday, afterHope, nonFraser, fraserratio, otherratio, driverflow, area, directory, filename_tmpls, ): """ :param :py:class:`pathlib.Path` directory: """ pd = prop_dict["fraser"] runoff = _fraser_correction( pd, flow_at_hope, yesterday, afterHope, nonFraser, fraserratio, otherratio, driverflow, area, ) # set up filename to follow NEMO conventions filepath = directory / filename_tmpls.format( _write_file(filepath, yesterday, runoff) logger.debug(f"wrote file to {filepath}") return filepath def _write_file(filepath, yesterday, flow): """Create the rivers runoff netCDF4 file.""" with NC.Dataset(os.fspath(filepath), "w") as nemo: nemo.description = "Real Fraser Values, Daily Climatology for Other Rivers" # Dimensions ymax, xmax = flow.shape nemo.createDimension("x", xmax) nemo.createDimension("y", ymax) nemo.createDimension("time_counter", None) # Time time_counter = nemo.createVariable( "time_counter", "float32", "time_counter", zlib=True ) time_counter.units = "non-dim" time_counter = [1] # Runoff rorunoff = nemo.createVariable( "rorunoff", "float32", ("time_counter", "y", "x"), zlib=True ) rorunoff._Fillvalue = 0.0 rorunoff._missing_value = 0.0 rorunoff._units = "kg m-2 s-1" rorunoff[0, :] = flow if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pragma: no cover