Source code for nowcast.workers.run_ww3

#  Copyright 2013 – present by the SalishSeaCast Project contributors
#  and The University of British Columbia
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
"""SalishSeaCast WaveWatch3 nowcast/forecast worker that prepares the temporary
run directory and bash run script for a prelim-forecast, nowcast or forecast
run on the ONC cloud, and launches the run.
import logging
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path

import arrow
from nemo_nowcast import NowcastWorker

from nowcast import lib

NAME = "run_ww3"
logger = logging.getLogger(NAME)

[docs] def main(): """Set up and run the worker. For command-line usage see: :command:`python -m nowcast.workers.run_ww3 --help` """ worker = NowcastWorker(NAME, description=__doc__) worker.init_cli() worker.cli.add_argument("host_name", help="Name of the host to execute the run on") worker.cli.add_argument( "run_type", choices={"forecast2", "nowcast", "forecast"}, help=""" Type of run to execute: 'forecast2' means preliminary forecast run (after NEMO forecast2 run), 'nowcast' means nowcast run (after NEMO forecast run) 'forecast' means updated forecast run (after WaveWatch3 forecast run) """, ) worker.cli.add_date_option( "--run-date","day"), help="Date to execute the run for.", ), success, failure) return worker
def success(parsed_args): """ :param :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` parsed_args: :return: Nowcast system message type :rtype: str """ f"{parsed_args.run_type} WaveWatch3 run for " f'{parsed_args.run_date.format("YYYY-MM-DD")} ' f"on {parsed_args.host_name} started" ) msg_type = f"success {parsed_args.run_type}" return msg_type def failure(parsed_args): """ :param :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` parsed_args: :return: Nowcast system message type :rtype: str """ logger.critical( f"{parsed_args.run_type} WaveWatch3 run for " f'{parsed_args.run_date.format("YYYY-MM-DD")} ' f"on {parsed_args.host_name} failed" ) msg_type = f"failure {parsed_args.run_type}" return msg_type def run_ww3(parsed_args, config, *args): """ :param :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` parsed_args: :param :py:class:`nemo_nowcast.Config` config: :return: Nowcast system checklist items :rtype: dict """ host_name = parsed_args.host_name run_type = parsed_args.run_type run_date = parsed_args.run_date run_dir_path = _build_tmp_run_dir(run_date, run_type, config)"Created run directory {run_dir_path}") results_path = Path(config["wave forecasts"]["results"][run_type]) script = _build_run_script(run_date, run_type, run_dir_path, results_path, config) run_script_path = _write_run_script(run_type, script, run_dir_path) run_exec_cmd = _launch_run(run_type, run_script_path, host_name) checklist = { run_type: { "host": host_name, "run dir": os.fspath(run_dir_path), "run exec cmd": run_exec_cmd, "run date": run_date.format("YYYY-MM-DD"), } } return checklist def _build_tmp_run_dir(run_date, run_type, config): """ :param :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` run_date: :param str run_type: :param :py:class:`nemo_nowcast.Config` config: :return: Temporary run directory :rtype: :py:class:`pathlib.Path` """ run_prep_path = Path(config["wave forecasts"]["run prep dir"]) run_dir_path = _make_run_dir(run_type, run_prep_path) _create_symlinks(run_date, run_type, run_prep_path, run_dir_path, config) _write_ww3_input_files(run_date, run_type, run_dir_path) return run_dir_path def _make_run_dir(run_type, run_prep_dir): """ :param str run_type: :param :py:class:`pathlib.Path` run_prep_dir: :return: Temporary run directory :rtype: :py:class:`pathlib.Path` """ run_dir_path = ( run_prep_dir / f'{run_type}_{"YYYY-MM-DDTHHmmss.SSSSSSZ")}' ) run_dir_path.mkdir(mode=0o775) return run_dir_path def _create_symlinks(run_date, run_type, run_prep_path, run_dir_path, config): """ :param :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` run_date: :param str run_type: :param :py:class:`pathlib.Path` run_prep_path: :param :py:class:`pathlib.Path` run_dir_path: :param :py:class:`nemo_nowcast.Config` config: """ for target in ("mod_def.ww3", "wind", "current"): (run_dir_path / target).symlink_to(run_prep_path / target) restart_from = "forecast" if run_type == "forecast2" else "nowcast" restart_path = Path(config["wave forecasts"]["results"][restart_from]) restart_date = run_date if run_type == "forecast" else run_date.shift(days=-1) ddmmmyy = restart_date.format("DDMMMYY").lower() prev_run_path = restart_path / ddmmmyy (run_dir_path / "restart.ww3").symlink_to(prev_run_path / "restart001.ww3") def _write_ww3_input_files(run_date, run_type, run_dir_path): """ :param :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` run_date: :param str run_type: :param :py:class:`pathlib.Path` run_dir_path: """ ww3_input_files = { "ww3_prnc_wind.inp": _ww3_prnc_wind_contents, "ww3_prnc_current.inp": _ww3_prnc_current_contents, "ww3_shel.inp": _ww3_shel_contents, "ww3_ounf.inp": _ww3_ounf_contents, "ww3_ounp.inp": _ww3_ounp_contents, } for filename, contents_func in ww3_input_files.items(): contents = contents_func(run_date, run_type) with (run_dir_path / filename).open("wt") as f: f.write(contents) logger.debug(f"created {run_dir_path/filename}") def _ww3_prnc_wind_contents(run_date, run_type): """ :param :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` run_date: :param str run_type: :return: ww3_prnc_wind.inp file contents :rtype: str """ start_date = run_date.format("YYYYMMDD") contents = f"""$ WAVEWATCH III NETCDF Field preprocessor input \ ww3_prnc_wind.inp $ $ Forcing type, grid type, time in file, header 'WND' 'LL' T T $ $ Dimension variable names x y $ $ Wind component variable names u_wind v_wind $ $ Forcing source file path/name $ File is produced by make_ww3_wind_file worker 'wind/SoG_wind_{start_date}.nc' """ return contents def _ww3_prnc_current_contents(run_date, run_type): """ :param :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` run_date: :param str run_type: :return: ww3_prnc_current.inp file contents :rtype: str """ start_date = run_date.format("YYYYMMDD") contents = f"""$ WAVEWATCH III NETCDF Field preprocessor input \ ww3_prnc_current.inp $ $ Forcing type, grid type, time in file, header 'CUR' 'LL' T T $ Name of dimensions $ x y $ $ Sea water current component variable names u_current v_current $ $ Forcing source file path/name $ File is produced by make_ww3_current_file worker 'current/SoG_current_{start_date}.nc' """ return contents def _ww3_shel_contents(run_date, run_type): """ :param :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` run_date: :param str run_type: :return: ww3_shel.inp file contents :rtype: str """ start_date = ( run_date.format("YYYYMMDD") if run_type == "nowcast" else run_date.shift(days=+1).format("YYYYMMDD") ) end_date = ( run_date.shift(days=+1).format("YYYYMMDD") if run_type == "nowcast" else run_date.shift(days=+2).format("YYYYMMDD") ) end_times = {"forecast2": "060000", "nowcast": "000000", "forecast": "120000"} end_time = end_times[run_type] contents = f"""$ WAVEWATCH III shell input file $ $ Forcing/inputs to use F F Water levels w/ homogeneous field data T F Currents w/ homogeneous field data T F Winds w/ homogeneous field data F Ice concentration F Assimilation data : Mean parameters F Assimilation data : 1-D spectra F Assimilation data : 2-D spectra. $ {start_date} 000000 Start time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss) {end_date} {end_time} End time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss) $ $ Output server mode 2 dedicated process $ $ Field outputs $ Start time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss), Interval (s), End time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss) {start_date} 000000 1800 {end_date} {end_time} $ Fields N by name HS LM WND CUR FP T02 DIR DP WCH WCC TWO FOC USS $ $ Point outputs $ Start time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss), Interval (s), End time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss) {start_date} 000000 600 {end_date} {end_time} $ longitude, latitude, 10-char name 236.52 48.66 'C46134PatB' 236.27 49.34 'C46146HalB' 235.01 49.91 'C46131SenS' 0.0 0.0 'STOPSTRING' $ $ Along-track output (required placeholder for unused feature) $ Start time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss), Interval (s), End time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss) {start_date} 000000 0 {end_date} {end_time} $ $ Restart files $ Start time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss), Interval (s), End time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss) {end_date} 000000 3600 {end_date} 000000 $ $ Boundary data (required placeholder for unused feature) $ Start time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss), Interval (s), End time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss) {start_date} 000000 0 {end_date} {end_time} $ $ Separated wave field data (required placeholder for unused feature) $ Start time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss), Interval (s), End time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss) {start_date} 000000 0 {end_date} {end_time} $ $ Homogeneous field data (required placeholder for unused feature) ’STP’ """ return contents def _ww3_ounf_contents(run_date, run_type): """ :param run_date: :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` :param str run_type: :return: ww3_ounf.inp file contents :rtype: str """ start_date = ( run_date.format("YYYYMMDD") if run_type == "nowcast" else run_date.shift(days=+1).format("YYYYMMDD") ) run_hours = {"nowcast": 24, "forecast": 36, "forecast2": 30} output_interval = 1800 # seconds output_count = int(run_hours[run_type] * 60 * 60 / output_interval) contents = f"""$ WAVEWATCH III NETCDF Grid output post-processing $ $ First output time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss), output increment (s), number of output times {start_date} 000000 {output_interval} {output_count} $ $ Fields N by name HS LM WND CUR FP T02 DIR DP WCH WCC TWO FOC USS $ $ netCDF4 output $ real numbers $ swell partitions $ one file 4 4 0 1 2 T $ $ File prefix $ number of characters in date $ IX, IY range $ SoG_ww3_fields_ 8 1 1000000 1 1000000 """ return contents def _ww3_ounp_contents(run_date, run_type): """ :param str run_type: :param run_date: :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` :return: ww3_ounp.inp file contents :rtype: str """ start_date = ( run_date.format("YYYYMMDD") if run_type == "nowcast" else run_date.shift(days=+1).format("YYYYMMDD") ) run_hours = {"nowcast": 24, "forecast": 36, "forecast2": 30} output_interval = 600 # seconds output_count = int(run_hours[run_type] * 60 * 60 / output_interval) contents = f"""$ WAVEWATCH III NETCDF Point output post-processing $ $ First output time (YYYYMMDD HHmmss), output increment (s), number of output times {start_date} 000000 {output_interval} {output_count} $ $ All points defined in ww3_shel.inp -1 $ File prefix $ number of characters in date $ netCDF4 output $ one file, max number of points to process $ tables of mean parameters $ WW3 global attributes $ time,station dimension order $ WMO standard output SoG_ww3_points_ 8 4 T 100 2 0 T 6 """ return contents def _build_run_script(run_date, run_type, run_dir_path, results_path, config): """ :param :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` run_date: :param str run_type: :param :py:class:`pathlib.Path` run_dir_path: :param :py:class:`pathlib.Path` results_path: :param :py:class:`nemo_nowcast.Config` config: :return: wwatch3 run set-up and execution script :rtype: str """ script = ( "#!/bin/bash\n" "set -e # abort on first error\n" "set -u # abort if undefinded variable is encountered\n" ) script = "\n".join( ( script, "{defns}\n" "{prepare}\n" "{execute}\n" "{netcdf_output}\n" "{cleanup}".format( defns=_definitions( run_date, run_type, run_dir_path, results_path, config ), prepare=_prepare(), execute=_execute(run_type, run_date), netcdf_output=_netcdf_output(run_date, run_type), cleanup=_cleanup(), ), ) ) return script def _definitions(run_date, run_type, run_dir_path, results_path, config): """ :param :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` run_date: :param str run_type: :param :py:class:`pathlib.Path` run_dir_path: :param :py:class:`pathlib.Path` results_path: :param :py:class:`nemo_nowcast.Config` config: :return: Definitions section of wwatch3 run set-up and execution script :rtype: str """ ddmmmyy = run_date.format("DDMMMYY").lower() wwatch3_exe_path = config["wave forecasts"]["wwatch3 exe path"] mpi_hosts_file = config["wave forecasts"]["mpi hosts file"] salishsea_cmd = config["wave forecasts"]["salishsea cmd"] defns = ( f'RUN_ID="{ddmmmyy}ww3-{run_type}"\n' f'WORK_DIR="{run_dir_path}"\n' f'RESULTS_DIR="{results_path/ddmmmyy}"\n' f'WW3_EXE="{wwatch3_exe_path}"\n' f'MPIRUN="mpirun --mca btl ^openib --mca orte_tmpdir_base /dev/shm --hostfile {mpi_hosts_file}"\n' f'GATHER="{salishsea_cmd} gather"\n' ) return defns def _prepare(): """ :return: Preparations section of wwatch3 run set-up and execution script :rtype: str """ preparations = ( "mkdir -p ${RESULTS_DIR}\n" "\n" "cd ${WORK_DIR}\n" 'echo "working dir: $(pwd)" >>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n' "\n" 'echo "Starting file creation at $(date)" ' ">>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n" "ln -s ww3_prnc_wind.inp ww3_prnc.inp && \\\n" "${WW3_EXE}/ww3_prnc " ">>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout 2>>${RESULTS_DIR}/stderr && \\\n" "rm -f ww3_prnc.inp\n" 'echo "Ending file creation at $(date)" ' ">>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n" "\n" 'echo "Starting file creation at $(date)" ' ">>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n" "ln -s ww3_prnc_current.inp ww3_prnc.inp && \\\n" "${WW3_EXE}/ww3_prnc " ">>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout 2>>${RESULTS_DIR}/stderr && \\\n" "rm -f ww3_prnc.inp\n" 'echo "Ending file creation at $(date)" ' ">>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n" ) return preparations def _execute(run_type, run_date): """ :param str run_type: :param :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` run_date: :return: Execution section of wwatch3 run set-up and execution script :rtype: str """ start_date = run_date.format("YYYYMMDD") execution = ( 'echo "Starting run at $(date)" >>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n' "${MPIRUN} -np 75 --bind-to none ${WW3_EXE}/ww3_shel \\\n" " >>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout 2>>${RESULTS_DIR}/stderr && \\\n" "mv log.ww3 ww3_shel.log && \\\n" "rm current.ww3 wind.ww3 && \\\n" ) if run_type != "nowcast": execution += ( f"rm current/SoG_current_{start_date}.nc && \\\n" f"rm wind/SoG_wind_{start_date}.nc\n" ) execution += 'echo "Ended run at $(date)" >>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n' return execution def _netcdf_output(run_date, run_type): """ :param str run_type: :param :py:class:`arrow.Arrow` run_date: :return: netCDF output files section of wwatch3 run set-up and execution script :rtype: str """ start_date = run_date if run_type == "nowcast" else run_date.shift(days=+1) start_yyyymmdd = start_date.format("YYYYMMDD") end_date = run_date if run_type == "nowcast" else run_date.shift(days=+2) end_yyyymmdd = end_date.format("YYYYMMDD") fields_files = " ".join( f'SoG_ww3_fields_{day.format("YYYYMMDD")}.nc' for day in arrow.Arrow.range("day", start_date, end_date) ) points_files = " ".join( f'SoG_ww3_points_{day.format("YYYYMMDD")}' for day in arrow.Arrow.range("day", start_date, end_date) ) nc_operator = "ncks" if run_type == "nowcast" else "ncrcat" output_to_netcdf = ( 'echo "Starting netCDF4 fields output at $(date)" ' ">>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n" "${WW3_EXE}/ww3_ounf >>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout 2>>${RESULTS_DIR}/stderr && \\\n" f"{nc_operator} -4 -L4 -o SoG_ww3_fields_{start_yyyymmdd}_{end_yyyymmdd}.nc \\\n" f" {fields_files} \\\n" " >>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout 2>>${RESULTS_DIR}/stderr && \\\n" f"rm {fields_files} && \\\n" "rm out_grd.ww3\n" 'echo "Ending netCDF4 fields output at $(date)" ' ">>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n" "\n" 'echo "Starting netCDF4 points output at $(date)" ' ">>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n" "${WW3_EXE}/ww3_ounp >>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout 2>>${RESULTS_DIR}/stderr && \\\n" f"{nc_operator} -4 -L4 -o SoG_ww3_points_{start_yyyymmdd}_{end_yyyymmdd}.nc \\\n" f" {points_files} \\\n" " >>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout 2>>${RESULTS_DIR}/stderr && \\\n" f"rm {points_files} && \\\n" "rm out_pnt.ww3\n" 'echo "Ending netCDF4 points output at $(date)" ' ">>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n" ) return output_to_netcdf def _cleanup(): """ :return: clean-up section of wwatch3 run set-up and execution script :rtype: str """ cleanup = ( 'echo "Results gathering started at $(date)" >>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n' "${GATHER} ${RESULTS_DIR} --debug >>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n" 'echo "Results gathering ended at $(date)" >>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n' "\n" 'echo "Deleting run directory" >>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n' "rmdir $(pwd)\n" 'echo "Finished at $(date)" >>${RESULTS_DIR}/stdout\n' ) return cleanup def _write_run_script(run_type, script, run_dir_path): """ :param str run_type: :param str script: :param :py:class:`pathlib.Path` run_dir_path: :return: wwatch3 run set-up and execution script path :rtype: :py:class:`pathlib.Path` """ run_script_path = run_dir_path / "" with"wt") as f: f.write(script) lib.fix_perms( run_script_path, int(lib.FilePerms(user="rwx", group="rwx", other="r")) ) logger.debug(f"wwatch3-{run_type}: run script: {run_script_path}") return run_script_path def _launch_run(run_type, run_script_path, host_name): """ :param str run_type: :param :py:class:`pathlib.Path` run_script_path: :param str host_name: :return: wwatch3 run set-up and execution command :rtype: str """"{run_type}: launching {run_script_path} on {host_name}") run_exec_cmd = f"bash {run_script_path}" logger.debug( f"{run_type}: running command in subprocess: {shlex.split(run_exec_cmd)}" ) subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(run_exec_cmd)) run_process_pid = None while not run_process_pid: try: proc = shlex.split(f'pgrep --newest --exact --full "{run_exec_cmd}"'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, universal_newlines=True, ) run_process_pid = int(proc.stdout) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # Process has not yet been spawned pass logger.debug(f"{run_type} on {host_name}: run pid: {run_process_pid}") return run_exec_cmd if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pragma: no cover