optimum Deployment for Hindcast Runs

Doug maintains the production deployment on optimum in the group sallen directory trees. That means that, for the purposes of these docs, the value of HOME is /home/sallen/dlatorne.

Environment Variables

Add these environment variable definitions to $HOME/.bash_profile:

export FORCING=/data/sallen/shared
export PROJECT=/home/sallen/dlatorne

optimum provides automatically defined environment variables for:


for storing semi-permanent input and results. (no backup) DO NOT USE for applications, setups, and scripts. !!! file lifetime of 3 years based on recent-access time


for working/running jobs; routinely cleaned up (no backup) DO NOT USE for applications, setups, and scripts. !!! file lifetime of 1 year based on recent-access time

Module Loads

The default module loads to use on optimum are:

module load OpenMPI/2.1.6/GCC/SYSTEM
module load GIT/2/03.03

Loading of those modules is included in $HOME/.bashrc.

There is a Miniconda/3 module available for building Python Conda environments. Conda environments created with that module loaded are stored in $HOME/.conda/envs/.

There is something funky about REBUILD_NEMO and the way it uses netCDF that requires a different collection of modules in order to avoid a run-time error about netCDF4 operations on netCDF3 files (or vice versa):

module load GCC/8.3
module load OpenMPI/2.1.6/GCC/8.3
module load ZLIB/1.2/11
module load use.paustin
module load HDF5/1.08/20
module load NETCDF/4.6/1


The above module loads can only be used for build and execution of REBUILD_NEMO. Bad things will happen if XIOS or NEMO are built with those modules loaded.

salishsea run takes care of switching the modules loads between running nemo.exe and REBUILD_NEMO, but you will need to manually load the above modules if you need to manually run salishsea combine for some reason.

Create Directory Trees

Create directory trees for the run preparation directory, Git repositories, and temporary run directories:

$ mkdir -p $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/runs

Store results directories in a tree in SCRATCHDIR, for example:

$ mkdir -p #SCRATCHDIR/hindcast.201905/
$ chmod g+ws #SCRATCHDIR/hindcast.201905/

Clone Git Repositories

Clone the following repos into $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/:

$ cd $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/grid.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/NEMO-3.6-code.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/NEMO-Cmd.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/rivers-climatology.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/SalishSeaCmd.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/sea_initial.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/SS-run-sets.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/tides.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/tracers.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/XIOS-ARCH.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/XIOS-2.git

Build XIOS-2

Symlink the XIOS-2 build configuration files for optimum from the XIOS-ARCH repo clone into the XIOS-2/arch/ directory:

$ cd $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/XIOS-2/arch
$ ln -s ../../XIOS-ARCH/UBC-EOAS/arch-GCC_OPTIMUM.env
$ ln -s ../../XIOS-ARCH/UBC-EOAS/arch-GCC_OPTIMUM.fcm
$ ln -s ../../XIOS-ARCH/UBC-EOAS/arch-GCC_OPTIMUM.path

Despite many attempts with various combinations of compilers, OpenMPI library versions, and netCDF library versions, the only way found to successfully build XIOS-2 is with the OpenMPI/2.1.6/GCC/SYSTEM module. That forces us to use the SVN r1066 checkout version of XIOS-2. That version is pointed to by both the XIOS-2r1066 and the PROD-hindcast_201905-v3 (and later PROD-hindcast_*) Git tags, so create a branch to checkout the repo at one of those tags:

$ git checkout -b PROD-hindcast_201905-v3 PROD-hindcast_201905-v3

and build XIOS-2 with:

$ cd $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/XIOS-2/
$ ./make_xios --arch GCC_OPTIMUM --netcdf_lib netcdf4_seq --job 8

--netcdf_lib netcdf4_seq is necessary because the OpenMPI/2.1.6/GCC/SYSTEM NetCDF libraries are not built for parallel output.

To clear away all artifacts of a previous build of XIOS-2 use:

$ cd $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/XIOS-2
$ ./tools/FCM/bin/fcm build --clean


Create a branch to checkout the repo at an appropriate tag:

  • For hindcast runs, something like:

    $ cd $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/NEMO-3.6-code/
    $ git checkout -b PROD-hindcast_201905-v3 PROD-hindcast_201905-v3
  • For research runs, something like:

    $ cd $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/NEMO-3.6-code/
    $ git checkout -b fluxes fluxes

Build NEMO-3.6 with:

$ cd $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/NEMO-3.6-code/NEMOGCM/CONFIG
$ XIOS_HOME=$PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/XIOS-2/ ./makenemo -m GCC_OPTIMUM -n SalishSeaCast -j8

REBUILD_NEMO requires a different collection of modules to be loaded for build and execution. Build it with:

$ module load GCC/8.3
$ module load OpenMPI/2.1.6/GCC/8.3
$ module load ZLIB/1.2/11
$ module load use.paustin
$ module load HDF5/1.08/20
$ module load NETCDF/4.6/1
$ cd $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/NEMO-3.6-code/NEMO-3.6-code/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/

Install Python Packages

Load the Miniconda/3 module and create a Conda environment:

$ module load Miniconda/3
$ conda create -n salishseacast -c conda-forge python=3 pip arrow \
  attrs cliff f90nml gitpython pyyaml
$ source activate salishseacast
(salishseacast)$ python3 -m pip install python-hglib

Install the SalishSeaCast NEMO-Cmd and SalishSeaCmd packages from their repo clones:

(salishseacast)$ cd $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/
(salishseacast)$ python3 -m pip install --editable NEMO-Cmd/
(salishseacast)$ python3 -m pip install --editable SalishSeaCmd/

Populate Run Preparation Directory

Copy the namelist.time namelist section template file from the SS-run-sets repo clone into the $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/runs/ directory:

$ cd $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/runs/
$ cp ../SS-run-sets/v201905/hindcast/namelist.time_template namelist.time

Symlink the run description YAML template file from the SS-run-sets repo clone into the $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/runs/ directory:

$ cd $PROJECT/SalishSeaCast/hindcast-sys/runs/
$ ln -s ../SS-run-sets/v201905/hindcast/optimum_hindcast_template.yaml hindcast_template.yaml

Create and populate forcing directory trees with:

$ mkdir -p $FORCING/SalishSeaCast/forcing/atmospheric/GEM2.5/gemlam
$ mkdir -p $FORCING/SalishSeaCast/forcing/atmospheric/GEM2.5/operational
$ mkdir -p $FORCING/SalishSeaCast/forcing/LiveOcean
$ mkdir -p $FORCING/SalishSeaCast/forcing/rivers/river_turb
$ mkdir -p $FORCING/SalishSeaCast/forcing/sshNeahBay/fcst
$ mkdir -p $FORCING/SalishSeaCast/forcing/sshNeahBay/obs

The upload_forcing worker will upload daily forcing files to these directories.