orcinus Deployment for nowcast-agrif Runs

Create Directory Trees

Create directory trees for the run preparation directory, Git repositories, temporary run directories, and results directories, and set their groups and permissions:

$ mkdir -p /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/runs
$ chgrp wg-moad /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/
$ chmod g+ws /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/
$ chmod g+w /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/runs
$ mkdir -p /global/scratch/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif
$ chgrp wg-moad /global/scratch/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif
$ chmod g+ws /global/scratch/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif

Clone Git Repositories

Clone the following repos into /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/:

$ cd /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/grid.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/NEMO-Cmd.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/rivers-climatology.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/SalishSeaCmd.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/SS-run-sets.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/tides.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/tracers.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/NEMO-3.6-code.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/XIOS-ARCH.git
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/XIOS-2.git

Build XIOS-2

Symlink the XIOS-2 build configuration files for orcinus from the XIOS-ARCH repo clone into the XIOS-2/arch/ directory:

$ cd /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/XIOS-2/arch
$ ln -s ../../XIOS-ARCH/UBC-EOAS/arch-X64_ORCINUS.fcm
$ ln -s ../../XIOS-ARCH/UBC-EOAS/arch-X64_ORCINUS.path

and build XIOS-2 with:

$ cd /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/XIOS-2
$ ./make_xios --arch X64_ORCINUS --netcdf_lib netcdf4_seq --job 8

--netcdf_lib netcdf4_seq is necessary because AGRIF does not support parallel NetCDF output.

To clear away all artifacts of a previous build of XIOS-2 use:

cd /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/XIOS-2
./tools/FCM/bin/fcm build --clean

Build NEMO-3.6

Build NEMO-3.6 and rebuild_nemo.exe:

$ cd /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/NEMO-3.6-code/NEMOGCM/CONFIG
$ ./makenemo -m X64_ORCINUS -n SMELTAGRIF -j8
$ cd /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/NEMO-3.6-code/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/
$ ./maketools -m X64_ORCINUS -n REBUILD_NEMO

Install Python Packages

The Python packages that the system depends on are installed as user packages in /home/dlatorne/.local/bin/ with:

$ cd /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/
$ python3 -m pip install --user --editable NEMO-Cmd/
$ python3 -m pip install --user --editable SalishSeaCmd/

Populate Run Preparation Directory Tree

Copy the namelist.time namelist section files from the SS-run-sets repo clone into the /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/runs/ directory:

$ cd /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/runs/
$ cp ../SS-run-sets/v201702/smelt-agrif/namelist.time.template namelist.time
$ cp ../SS-run-sets/v201702/smelt-agrif/namelist.time.BS.template namelist.time
$ cp ../SS-run-sets/v201702/smelt-agrif/namelist.time.HS.template namelist.time

Symlink the run description YAML template files from the SS-run-sets repo clone into the /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/runs/ directory:

$ cd /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/runs/
$ ln -s ../SS-run-sets/v201702/smelt-agrif/orcinus_nowcast_template.yaml nowcast-agrif_template.yaml

Create and populate forcing sub-directories with:

$ cd /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/runs/
$ mkdir -p LiveOcean NEMO-atmos rivers ssh
$ chmod g+w LiveOcean NEMO-atmos rivers ssh
$ cd NEMO-atmos/
$ cd rivers/
$ ln -s /home/dlatorne/nowcast-agrif-sys/rivers-climatology/bio

The make_forcing_links worker will create symlinks to the appropriate forcing files in the LiveOcean, NEMO-atmos, rivers, and ssh directories.

Sub-grid Initialization Preparation with Nesting Tools

Build Nesting Tools

Clone Michael Dunphies’ debugged version of the nesting tools for AGRIF from NEMO-3.6-code/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/NESTING/ on to salish:

$ ssh salish
$ cd /data/dlatorne/MEOPAR/
$ git clone git@github.com:SalishSeaCast/NestingTools.git

Build the nesting tools suite of Fortran programs with:

$ cd /data/dlatorne/MEOPAR/NestingTools/NEMOGCM/TOOLS
$ ./maketools -n NESTING -m GCC_SALISH

Generate Sub-grid Files

Set up a working directory tree in which to generate the sub-grid files:

$ cd /results/nowcast-sys/
$ mkdir -p agrif-nesting/BaynesSound agrif-nesting/HaroStrait
$ cd /results/nowcast-sys/BaynesSound/
$ ln -s /results/nowcast-sys/SS-run-sets/v201702/smelt-agrif/nesting/namelist.nesting.BaynesSound
$ cd /results/nowcast-sys/HaroStrait
$ ln -s /results/nowcast-sys/SS-run-sets/v201702/smelt-agrif/nesting/namelist.nesting.HaroStrait

Some of the nesting tools processes take ~1hr to run, so it is probably best to run them in a tmux session.


For the Baynes Sound sub-grid, use agrif_create_coordinates.exe to create the sub-grid coordinates file from the full domain coordinates (path provided in the namelist.nesting.BaynesSound file), and add it to the grid repo:

$ cd /results/nowcast-sys/agrif-nesting/BaynesSound/
$ /data/dlatorne/MEOPAR/NestingTools/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/NESTING/agrif_create_coordinates.exe \
$ cp 1_coordinates_seagrid_SalishSea201702.nc \
$ cd /results/nowcast-sys/grid/
$ hg add /results/nowcast-sys/grid/subgrids/BaynesSound/coordinates_seagrid_SalishSea201702_BS.nc
$ hg commit subgrids/BaynesSound/coordinates_seagrid_SalishSea201702_BS.nc \
    -m"Add coordinates for 201702 bathymetry in Baynes Sound AGRIF sub-grid."

Similarly for the Haro Strait sub-grid:

$ cd /results/nowcast-sys/agrif-nesting/HaroStrait/
$ /data/dlatorne/MEOPAR/NestingTools/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/NESTING/agrif_create_coordinates.exe \
$ cp 1_coordinates_seagrid_SalishSea201702.nc \
$ cd /results/nowcast-sys/grid/
$ hg add /results/nowcast-sys/grid/subgrids/HaroStrait/coordinates_seagrid_SalishSea201702_HS.nc
$ hg commit subgrids/HaroStrait/coordinates_seagrid_SalishSea201702_HS.nc \
    -m"Add coordinates for 201702 bathymetry in Haro Strait AGRIF sub-grid."



Need to understand the details of how sub-grid bathymetries are generated. They appear to be based on /home/mdunphy/MEOPAR/WORK/Bathy-201702/BC3/BC3_For_Nesting_Tools.nc and a bathymetry namelist like:

    new_topo = true
    elevation_database = '/home/mdunphy/MEOPAR/WORK/Bathy-201702/BC3/BC3_For_Nesting_Tools.nc'
    elevation_name = 'Bathymetry'
    smoothing = true
    smoothing_factor = 0.6
    nb_connection_pts = 3
    removeclosedseas = false
    type_bathy_interp = 2
    rn_hmin = 3

There is also subsequent processing by analysis-michael/agrif/fix_bathy.py to “enforce minimum depth and fix the longitudes”.

Rivers Biology Tracers Climatology Mean File

Because the Fraser River is the only river in the model for which we have daily varying values in its biological tracer values, we can construct an acceptable rivers biological tracers forcing file for the Baynes Sound sub-grid by averaging the daily Climatology files.


This will have to be revisited if/when we change the Puntledge River to use real-time discharges values from a gauge.

Calculate the rivers-climatology/bio/subgrids/BaynesSound/bio/rivers_bio_tracers_mean.nc, and add it to the rivers-climatology repo:

$ cd rivers-climatology/bio
$ mkdir -p ../subgrids/BaynesSound/bio
$ /bin/ls | grep rivers_bio_tracers_'m..d..'.nc | \
    ncra -4 -o ../subgrids/BaynesSound/bio/rivers_bio_tracers_mean.nc
$ hg add rivers-climatology/subgrids/BaynesSound/bio/rivers_bio_tracers_mean.nc
$ hg commit rivers-climatology/subgrids/BaynesSound/bio/rivers_bio_tracers_mean.nc \
  -m"Add rivers biology tracers climatology mean file for Baynes Sound"

Physics Restart Files

The commands in this section are for generation of sub-grid physics restart files from the nowcast-green/12may18/SalishSea_02935440_restart.nc file (path provided in the namelist.nesting.BaynesSound and namelist.nesting.HaroStrait files).

For the Baynes Sound sub-grid, use agrif_create_restart.exe to create the sub-grid physics restart file from the full domain physics restart file, and upload both files to the appropriate run results directory on :s`:

$ cd /results/nowcast-sys/agrif-nesting/BaynesSound/
$ /data/dlatorne/MEOPAR/NestingTools/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/NESTING/agrif_create_restart.exe \
$ scp /results/SalishSea/nowcast-green/12may18/SalishSea_02935440_restart.nc \
$ scp 1_SalishSea_02935440_restart.nc \

Note that the time step number in the Baynes Sound sub-grid restart file name is 2x that of the full domain file because the Baynes Sound sub-grid time step is 20s in contrast to 40s for the full domain.

Similarly for the Haro Strait sub-grid:

$ cd /results/nowcast-sys/agrif-nesting/HaroStrait/
$ /data/dlatorne/MEOPAR/NestingTools/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/NESTING/agrif_create_restart.exe \
$ scp 1_SalishSea_02935440_restart.nc \

Note that the time step number in the Haro Strait sub-grid restart file name is 4x that of the full domain file because the Haro Strait sub-grid time step is 10s in contrast to 40s for the full domain.

Tracer Restart Files

The commands in this section are for generation of sub-grid tracer restart files from the nowcast-green/12may18/SalishSea_02935440_restart_trc.nc file (path provided in the namelist.nesting.BaynesSound and namelist.nesting.HaroStrait files).

For the Baynes Sound sub-grid, use agrif_create_restart_trc.exe to create the sub-grid tracer restart file from the full domain tracer restart file, and upload both files to the appropriate run results directory on :s`:

$ cd /results/nowcast-sys/agrif-nesting/BaynesSound/
$ /data/dlatorne/MEOPAR/NestingTools/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/NESTING/agrif_create_restart_trc.exe \
$ scp /results/SalishSea/nowcast-green/12may18/SalishSea_02935440_restart_trc.nc \
$ scp 1_SalishSea_02935440_restart_trc.nc \

Note that the time step number in the Baynes Sound sub-grid restart file name is 2x that of the full domain file because the Baynes Sound sub-grid time step is 20s in contrast to 40s for the full domain.

For Haro Strait, start by using agrif_create_restart_trc.exe to create the sub-grid tracer restart file from the full domain tracer restart file:

$ cd /results/nowcast-sys/agrif-nesting/HaroStrait/
$ /data/dlatorne/MEOPAR/NestingTools/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/NESTING/agrif_create_restart_trc.exe \

For some reason agrif_create_restart_trc.exe fails to store the variable TRBTRA (the Fraser River tracer B field, and the final variable) in the file it produces. To deal with that we duplicate the TRNTRA field values as TRBTRA and append that variable to the file:

$ ncks -4 -O -v TRNTRA 1_SalishSea_02935440_restart_trc.nc TRNTRA.nc
$ ncks -4 -O 1_SalishSea_02935440_restart_trc.nc 1_SalishSea_02935440_restart_trc.nc
$ ncrename -O -v TRNTRA,TRBTRA TRNTRA.nc TRBTRA.nc
$ ncks -4 -A TRBTRA.nc 1_SalishSea_02935440_restart_trc.nc

and upload the file to the appropriate run results directory on :s`:

$ scp 1_SalishSea_02935440_restart_trc.nc \

Note that the time step number in the Haro Strait sub-grid restart file name is 4x that of the full domain file because the Haro Strait sub-grid time step is 10s in contrast to 40s for the full domain.